I played with one today. I loved the screen and it seemed like the screen was way better than the S3. Anyone else noticed them side by side with the same image. Was the local Best Buy playing tricks or is it just really that much clearer, brighter, vivid, etc on the Note 2 vs S3?
Also something one of my coworkers and I were debating about the Note 2 was that it was wider than you could easily "thumb". What I found today dorking around with the settings is a "one hand use" setup. Looks as if it shrinks the pop out tools (keyboard, number pad, etc) and locks it to one side or the other and is quite easily "thumbed" just as the smaller screen devices are. Also there was some little sticker things that you can program the phone to recognize and put in your office, car, etc that when tapped the phone changes its configuration or whatever to whatever you set it to do. I guess its the same kinda technology as the sharing files or whatever that you see on the commercials .
I think I'm going to pick one up tomorrow, I need an upgrade and the one hand operation seems to have solved my issues with not being able to easily type out something with one hand like I can today on my evo.