San Diego Newb

Yeah...too bad you're booked solid through the middle of December.


Yeah, well, gotta get broken into this new job. It'll be long hours for awhile, but worth it in the end.

Anyone on here good at web programming. I'm reading as much as possible on but there's so much to take in.

Lucky for me (us) Scar is that even in December, we live in SoCal, so the riding is 4 seasons long.
Yeah, well, gotta get broken into this new job. It'll be long hours for awhile, but worth it in the end.

Anyone on here good at web programming. I'm reading as much as possible on but there's so much to take in.

Lucky for me (us) Scar is that even in December, we live in SoCal, so the riding is 4 seasons long.

Right on, brother! Couldn't have said it better, myself! :beerchug: :laugh:
Welcome, again, to the crew, Lee.

It's a great place, especially if you don't have an opinion of your own... There are plenty here for adoption! :rofl:

J/K, yo. You'll have to admit...that's some funny shizz right there.

Anyway, the .oRg is more like a family; inbred and dysfunctional...but full of love!

Can't wait for our next outing!


"I don't care how ya are, that's funny right there?":welcome::cheerleader::welcome:
"I don't care how ya are, that's funny right there?":welcome::cheerleader::welcome:

Thanks again for all the welcomes. I'm taking the bike over to Lee's Cycle Racing tonight for some suspension tuning. Best $30 you can ever spend on a bike in my opinion.
Even though I'm late!!! Welcome to the oRg. Jeff lee big pipes.......... :hello: