Scars Birthday ………………….an event of Epic Proportions

MAN, I WISH I COULD MAKE THAT RIDE! well I hope everybody has a safe and fun ride.don't forget the pics for everyone to see. happy b-bay scar!
ok "KLATU848" I'm expecting a couple of pics via cell phone of the group together. wish I could make it:banghead::banghead:

Too bad you cant make it. We will all have to meet up soon. You cant stay away from the group for ever! We will assimilate you soon!!!!:whistle:


Think Jeff Dunham. You did Ackhmed and I did peanut! Think bro, think!
To all who plan on riding tomorrow,

Thank you in advance for making the effort to post up letting me know that you will make it or not. It has made this EPIC event that much easier to plan with two groups meeting at one place.

For those who cant attend,

NEENER NEENER NEENER! :hide: All kidding aside, wish you all could have made it. Mini-Stampede would have been awesome. That was my ultimate goal with this, but we will have as many Busas there as possible.

Get some good sleep all and see you all very soon. 0130 wake up call for me. 2 AM on the road! EPIC day of HOONING with almost the whole SOCAL group!

Special thanks goes to you both (Bubba & BigFisch) and Adam, of course, who started this whole gig... You guys have done a great job putting this deal together, and I'm really looking forward to a great day hanging with some of the best people on the planet... Aside from all that, I'm honored and flattered. :beerchug:

Thank you.

Thank you BOTH for the HUGE props. Riding is why I bought Imelda. Distance is nothing on this awesome machine. I am honored to be accepted by the group of guys that ride in SOCAL, and are friends of you both. Taking care of the details is easy. Staying on top of it all is something that I have learned from Master Scar. I am nothing more than a student learning and helping out where and when ever I can. I am truly glad that we were able to rope in all the riders that we have.

Well, off we go. It's 4:30a here...

Zukracer is in town and has the addy for breakfast.

Lamb, Liz, Haleh and I met Zuk at King Fish House after Vinny's (Devil Dog) wedding last night for the first-ever hand-shaking of some long-time on-line friends. That was cool.

We're meeting for breakfast, sending Zuk on his way north to make his plane to Vegas from LAX, grouping at Starbucks Mira Mesa, then hitting the road for Idyllwild at 9a.

My psuedo-birthday celebration has already started out to be epic. :beerchug:
i am geared up and standing by for you guys to hit Temecula....will try me darn-est to keep up!
Made it home safe. Had a great time with all of you hoons out there today. Great meeting new hoons and seeing hoons from rides past. Be good, be safe, and if you can't be good, don't get caught!!! Cheers, Ken :thumbsup:
A day filled with amazing events...:beerchug:

Will be sure to share as details present.

Thanks everyone. :love:
Happy B-day Scar, i told you at FBC i would go but the wif is sick..hope it you guys had a blast!:race:
Happy BDay, Scar! Couldn't make the ride (work) but glad everyone made it out and back safely.

:worthless: :laugh:
great to see and meet you all this morning :beerchug: Fantastic group in Socal and what a bunch of HOONS :laugh:

I know pix are manditory, you'll have to wait for Bubba's official type pix, til then here's a crappy one from ye old crackberry :whistle:

Thank you for the personal invite and keeping me in mind, Bubba.

Sorry I had to miss this, I'm currently overseas on business. I'll be checking back for pictures and future SoCal rides.

And Happy Birthday to you Scar, even though I have yet to meet you.
Made it home safe. Had a great time with all of you hoons out there today. Great meeting new hoons and seeing hoons from rides past. Be good, be safe, and if you can't be good, don't get caught!!! Cheers, Ken :thumbsup:

Good seeing you again, Ken.

Already looking forward to the next event!!!

Happy BDay, Scar! Couldn't make the ride (work) but glad everyone made it out and back safely.

:worthless: :laugh:

Maybe the next one, bro! We are corraling the SoCal 'busas slowly but surely... Look forward to meeting you.
great to see and meet you all this morning :beerchug: Fantastic group in Socal and what a bunch of HOONS :laugh:

I know pix are manditory, you'll have to wait for Bubba's official type pix, til then here's a crappy one from ye old crackberry :whistle:

Zuk...great to finally meet you.

Thank you so much for building that whole extra leg onto your trip just to come meet us here (etc. (laugh:)).

I have asked the City Planning Commissioner, Rhoda Closure, to please check with me before she arbitrarily shuts off main arteries through the City. :rofl: (little inside joke, sorry)

Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're safely in Vegas. Enjoy your stay in the correct time zone...and great wishes for a productive and successful stay.
