It's always hard to get an understanding of what you're listening to from a video. Audio usually doesn't give a perfect representation of what you are listening to(but does sound like top end to me).
With that said; It's extremely odd to hear a sound that sounds like engine failure...yet the bike rev and run fine. You would expect that with that noise that something would've broke by now, or at least developed a dead miss.
Since it hasn't, I would check something unexpected. The starter. Yes, it sounds crazy, and I've been reluctant to post this because of it. But, years back, I heard an early 90s CBR600 make a very similiar racket.
We assumed it was about to fly apart.
A friend of mine bought it anyway, with the intention of rebuilding it. He found something broken in the starter(forget exactly which piece).
Replaced the starter, and the bike was quiet and ran perfect.
Now, I'm not saying that's the problem, because it definately sounds like the top end.
But, it wouldn't be the first time I've seen something totally unexpected cause strange problems.