Nothing is reserved for anyone. You would be surprised how much local politics can do. If you have someone on the inside to locate an opening and help set you up, it works out easy. For now go to DONHR, Department of Navy Human Resources and start the process. You need to creat a resume and go from there. There are a ton of jobs all over the country but some will not be funded which means they will not be filled. But get started with the resume. And cut the sir ####. I did not care for that before when I was on active on duty. It just did not seem right for a service man or woman who was older than me or had been in a war and seen things I could only imagine to have to salute me or call me sir. I always made it clear to people me to only act official with me when other officers where around and the rest of the time I was just plain old Dave. You would be surprised how much more support I had as opposed to other Officers who needed to be saluted and called sir. The soldier's trusted me and would have done anything for me. Needless to say I had true respect from the troops. Not just to my face, and the finger behind my back. I was trusted by my troops, and I in turn trusted my troops. Anywayyyyy, sorry for the rant. Just reminiscing.