We have to realize that Suzuki was hit the hardest in that nuclear melt down and tsunami. Honda and helped Suzuki out by donating huge generators so they could keep their doors open. Zuk will be back soon enough... Until then, throw a turbo or a CRANK in yours and continue to knock heads off. Theirs a lot more "meat" in those motors than you're getting out of them. Remember, its not what you buy, its what you build!
Well heck, I loved the two busas I have owned, but with all the hype about the all new 1441cc ZX14R, I just had to have one.
Pic of me and my new ZX14R and of course, our main man "Pacemaster". We took a little putt up and over Ebbetts Pass this past Saturday. And yeah, this thing is stupid fast, too fast for this old boy....................................NOT!
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