secret service for life!!

i rational can understand the concept of "fear of retaliation", what i am complaining about is...the hypocritical and "class" difference that is implied by him and his actions to restrict our ability to defend ourselves.
Omar and I were discussing just this past weekend how many benefits go with just being nominated to Congress. Oh, I'm sure there's a person or two that really do want to do better than the last person, but the reality is this - you get a cushy job, and even if you stink at it, you get your fuel paid for, you get better health insurance, you get a set amount of pay for the REST OF YOUR STINKIN' LIFE...

That's an inherent flaw in our gov't...there's little motivation to truly want to be better, to work harder, to really give a crap about those you represent. You do this term, you are set for life...we should all be vying for that role, right? :banghead:
Until we limit terms and cushy retirement programs nothing will change. Once elected, looking out for number one is the top priority. They sell their vote to the highest bidder. How do you think Harry Reid accumulated $12M on a Senator's salary. Some of them arrive rich and leave a lot richer while some like Harry Reid arrives poor and leaves a rich man. The list goes on and on and on.

I am just as fed up with the Republicans as I am the Democrats. I have no idea how the structure of government could be changed for the better since all the power seems to be held by those in government. What I do know is this country cannot survive on the current path. Only a matter of time!

He can have all the security he wants forever, but if his life is worth protecting with armed guards, the mine is worth protecting with my own firearms. If not, then we need to assign worth to each and every human life and allow them arms and security accordingly, bet that won't make people mad.

Who's life is worth more, a president, a garbage man, a child?

Obviously there is a simple solution. Just make Obama's home a gun-free zone. Now there's no need to waste taxpayer money on armed guards, and he's as well protected as our children in their schools.