extremely rare actually. recovered dozens of bikes and cars and am good friends with the northeast lojack rep. and ive never heard of anyones lojack not working from either the lojack rep or a customer. im sure its happened but in 16 years ive never seen it not work for someone.Lojack doesn’t always work. I remember someone on here in the spring time reporting his bike was stolen and it had a lojack but there was a problem with the way lojack stored his info. They were unable to look up his bike and recover it. Im sure that was a rare occurrence but it does happen.
over a 95% recovery rate and for motorcycles and there is a hand held unit that I have used to locate bikes that are taken into an apartment complex. the car units will tell you its in a particular building but the hand held unit is very precise within about 10 feet.
not to mention the ones that are out now are different then the ones used before. they have a 10 yr battery that powers them now and they do not have to be hooked up to power like the previous versions which makes hiding it easier.