sell my busa?

(edubb1971 @ Jul. 03 2007,14:05)
(big ed @ Jul. 03 2007,13:42) the only pics.I have of the busa are on this site that someone posted up from this bike night last week.PhotoReflect-BergstromS Photography
is this it?
thats her
Sweet looking ride, indeed. I'd be torn. Especially if it was my first bike or first 'busa.

Go with your heart, first, then with any factual information which presents itself. If you make your decision based on the foregoing elements, you will never look back with regret.


(big ed @ Jul. 03 2007,16:14)
(PaNDeM1C @ Jul. 03 2007,14:05) Your bike's not even worth $13k right now (to a dealer) so sell it. If somebody came along and offered me even $10k for my bike I'd sell it in a heartbeat.
its not about what the dealer thinks it worth.even if the gentleman decided to go up to 25k I would still have a hard time.but I'd get over it riding my 08.I just dont want to deal with all the work involved & most of all the wife(you spend more time with that bike than me)oh yeah, did I mention she hates the bike now that #4 child is on the way
Then just sell it and get simple mods for your 08... with plenty of money left over to spend on your wife.
ya thats a mint'r but for that price you could build another and still have $ left over

just my thoughts
(PaNDeM1C @ Jul. 03 2007,14:49)
(big ed @ Jul. 03 2007,16:14)
(PaNDeM1C @ Jul. 03 2007,14:05) Your bike's not even worth $13k right now (to a dealer) so sell it. If somebody came along and offered me even $10k for my bike I'd sell it in a heartbeat.
its not about what the dealer thinks it worth.even if the gentleman decided to go up to 25k I would still have a hard time.but I'd get over it riding my 08.I just dont want to deal with all the work involved & most of all the wife(you spend more time with that bike than me)oh yeah, did I mention she hates the bike now that #4 child is on the way
Then just sell it and get simple mods for your 08... with plenty of money left over to spend on your wife.
Thats pretty smooth.I used to think smooth like that before marriage my wife said STOP IT! & I did she frightens me.........send help
sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold

I would ask where he would like the bike to be delivered to.

Cash please.
Sell it, build the same thing and have money left over that the wife doesn't know about.
Sure, go ahead and sell it Big E. While your at it , why not see if the buyer will make you an offer on the kids and your dog!
There isn't a person on this site that wouldn't gift wrap it and delivered it by now. I'd plunk down a deposit on one of the first B Kings to make it here! Done Sold Pay the man!!
Okay; sell it now, put a deposit down on a black '08 ( fastest ) put a stage 1 ( streetable ) and buy the light weight wheels. Take the wife out to eat on what's left.