She hit 65,000 miles this morning.


just noticed that we ride at the same odd hours, only difference is i only get time to ride on the weekend.

no kidding when i say everytime i browse this forum and come accross a post by you i am distracted by the picture in your signature...It is that beautiful a machine.

like someone asked earlier, apart from rubber & oil changes, has she given you any problems with this kind of mileage? what is your riding style and how often do you change her oil?

ride safe.

just noticed that we ride at the same odd hours, only difference is i only get time to ride on the weekend.

no kidding when i say everytime i browse this forum and come accross a post by you i am distracted by the picture in your signature...It is that beautiful a machine.

like someone asked earlier, apart from rubber & oil changes, has she given you any problems with this kind of mileage? what is your riding style and how often do you change her oil?

ride safe.
The only things we've replaced were fork seals, cush drive, and the clutch. The clutch wasn't completely gone but it was getting there. That's probably from keeping the lever pulled in when stopped at the light. I always wanted to make sure that I can escape from getting rear ended.

That's a lot if miles, congrats.
Thanks, Cap. I appreciate it.:beerchug:

Do you sleep, or are you getting ready to ride at this hour? :whistle:

It's funny you asked. I got back from riding about 20 minutes ago. I just finished polishing her, too.:beerchug:

Here's what I just put on her. Not quite 100 miles. I had to be back early because my wife wanted to go to church this morning since it's my day off.