She's Baaaack!

Thinker62, any update on your "Top Secret" mod??!!
What a memory. I have what I need...Just need the guts to do it. I also may want to make a decision about painting my inner fairings first, as this could affect the end result.  
jeez.... still no clue.............

is it speed or visual related??
Now that was WRONG! Why you want to do a brotha like that? I may never live that one down.

one day in the future, when you least expect it...yuou got one comin.
ooooooOOOOOO...... wiping tears from ma eyes.......

woulda been nice to see that before the ride. have a long fur coat you coulda rode with.
Hope you can be OK with the modded pic...Yer bike is sweet..
It's a passion ....Now "Nobody" will like the mod i just did...
Now remember it's still a Busa..Handles and accellerates....
just Pirelli Dragon EVS's ...and i can corner...and still do wheelies..."My Sleeper"   see pic..
Heres the pic..bought the "overscreen" today..comes off in three minutes or less....stock screen under it..Ride to Laguna
with it and remove and put in Motel room...convertable..yea!

Different view...Pretty strange...came from the UK..sometimes the weather to..if i crouch down behind it, it get's totally quiet..........Company tested it to 170 mph..and claim better milage.....rode 160 miles today..everything is a comprimize..less wind on upper torso means more weight on the bars...aching shoulders..Ok now after a few beers...

Undo four screws..and it's off...leaves a black rubber piece glued to the bike..put screws back in after i remove it,,kinda funky..maybe not..will post a pic later with it off..a good piece
for foul weather's always cool or cold where I live in the early AM.. Senior Cache...And be nice to Thinker...
oh, I didn't know he bought it allready...
I was responding to an earlier post by him requesting a photoshop I gave him one. ;)