Should Babyebusa seek revenge?

I'm sure the court assumes babyebusa was probably out squidding around and probably deserved it. This person really got off easy. I'm very surprised by the gaping flaw in the legal system there:(
Yeah she got off freakin easy. I say clean her out. If that doesnt work or satisfy ya, vigilante always seems to work, well in the movies anyway. hehehehe.
My happy lil diatribe spilt, I'd be pretty mad over it too! I have been screwed over by justice myself and PERSONALLY feel we'd all be better off toting guns on our waists. Really! mess with someone, they might kill you. Simple. But we are all a bunch of lazy, spoon fed, policially rediculous, spoiled, law-suit happy people here in America, [yes, me too] and we let criminals get away with it, get book deals, movies, groupies, cable and Playboy in prison, in teh name of 'rights':super: The whole system pretty much sucks on BOTH ends so I try to adjust my part to not ADD shat to the shat already piling up everywhere. If everyone took the nicer road [one at a time] the world would be a better place and things like this would end alot different.
I refuse to add to a societal self destructing system that values selfish things and money over life.

I suspect that moron's... er..... person's life is gonna be a punishment enough until they die.

Seriously, good luck with your friends endevors and I hope it works out the best for everyone in the long run whichever corse is taken.

Just my opinions and not neccessarily those of anyone else on the planet. :)
WWJD - Well said. I agree with not adding more shat, but sometimes the principle is more important.

At least we still have the freedom to disagree.

Take care
Raider, are you currently attending law school, or do you just have a need to know the law in detail  :wink: .

Good link. I threw it in my bookmarks just in case "I" ever need it.
I never finished law school. Something the Doc told me.
As for the 2nd part of you post, I plead the 5th.

:wink: :tounge: :biggrin:

Life is short, he has his life, his wife and a new bike. Sometimes letting it go is the thing to do. Her issues are not over. Welcome back to Kansas.

interesting conversation... Typically I'ld said on the side of being thankful you got out alive. But in this case I would seek legal grievences because there may be later cmplications. I wouldn't seek revenge though, and that shouldn't be the reason you sue. Either due it because of principle or to insure that future medical expenses will be addressed.
If no one teaches her a lesson it may go over as a slap on the wrist and the next time she may end up doing the same thing again. The whole point should be does the punishment fit the crime and in this case i do not believe it does. Had she tippied his bike over in a parking lot and left it there maybe it would be to much punishment and you could let it go. It is really up to you but I would atleast make her aware that she should have to be financially responsible for an amount to cover the courts poor judgment in rendering a verdict more fit to the crime. You where in the hospital for a month the statutes where probably written for a hit and run accident involving to cars this seems a bit more serious than that. But again I wouldnt spend a bunch of money on attorneys fees and time in court just to prove a point....OK Maybe I would I am hard headed. But I wouldnt miss a 80 degree sunny day of riding for it,,, No friggin way LOL