Should I Do It?

HAH ~ ! ! !

Yes do it !



I apologise for offending members of this forum, I didnt understand how offensive this term I used would be, it was an offhand quip on my part, with little thought of the effect it may or would cause.
Sincerely, Kiwi
It's not so much offensive but it does mean there's a guy to watch your back around. I don't know how in 2019 you wouldn't know that was offensive so one wonders where that came from and who that person is.

Anyway since we are only virtual friends, apology accepted.
I like the MMPIE best.
The heart reminds me of a plate I saw in LA about 15 years ago on a 911 vert with a very butch girl driving that read...I # URMOM. #=heart btw!
Best plate I've ever seen was back in the 80's, a ridiculously pretty blonde and her equally hot friend in a cherry red ragtop karman Ghia with Porsche alloys on it. Plate said U WISHE
I did indeed....
If you ever come across the pond , and visit Australia , in this case my state South Australia , you can try a Pie Floater , that will be a square meat pie upside down in a bowl of pea soup , it is a late night in the city tradition to scoff one of those !!

Hahahahahah yum !!
I saw a plate once that said "SexiMoma" and she definitely was not anywhere close to sexy...

Even my teenage sons who were with me at the time were quick to point that out to me...
Helps if you are fully tanked at the time of ordering , that pic actually looks like it has come up again and replated itself !!
I always loved them as a kid , the real cooked in front of you pea soup was something special back then !!