Should i get a busa!!!

IF you are wanting a stunter you need to get your self a Honda 929 or 954 best stunt machines ever made if you look at most stunter bikes that is what they are riding is a honda.
get a goldwing trike !!

ha ha just kidding i just got my busa a few weeks ago and i used to ride many different bikes and this bike makes me smile every time i go out on it u really wont regret it at all plus there is so much after market support so you can buy most any thing for it
Well to put in my $.02, I am relatively new to street riding and i purchased my '07... it is very forgiving, has lots of usable power so that you dont HAVE to wind it out to get enough power to cruise or get out of the way when you need to. It all comes down to maturity if you ask me... Aside from the stunting (Which I dont do), the Busa is a great ride for a bigger guy (I am 6-2 315) and turns lots of heads... Thus far I have not run into too many time when people have tried to pull into my lane or havent seen me since everyone is constantly stairing at its exotic yet beefy looks. If you can handle your need for speed and make sure that your upright when you do it, and your not going to outdo yourself in the corners before your use to it... I'd say you couldnt pick a better bike...

Also, my Busa is referred to by my family as 2 things... The battleship (as people refer to me on it as unable to take quick turns ahaha) and the Gentle Giant as it delivers such smooth power...
Get one, join us. every time I bring it to 160+ it's like sleeping with a new girl again. it's just so good you can't resist. Other than that ride safe.
Well thankyou for your not really into i dont need a stunt bike....just wanted to see what you guys think.....and for sure im getting a busa.....might be scary at first....but ill handle her...i found one i can test drive.....Cant wait...any suggestions or tips on driving a busa? Ive heard it has lots of power and i dont want to unleash it on the test drive....or should I? lol Ty
After 20 years of riding, 6 sport bikes, and 70,000 street miles I can honestly say I wouldn't steer a 6 month rider to a busa or anything over a 750. Just because you've ridin' the 1000 and you're okay doesn't mean you're ready. The last guy I sold my R1 to had put a few months on a blackbird and he assumed that meant he should continue riding a very powerful bike. Unfortunately he died about 30 seconds after taking possessoin of my bike. Since I have lots more stories like that one please take my advice. Buy something forgiving like a Katana, learn the basics over a year or two and then move up. Just my two cents..........

(RedlineStands @ Sep. 06 2007,17:59) After 20 years of riding, 6 sport bikes, and 70,000 street miles I can honestly say I wouldn't steer a 6 month rider to a busa or anything over a 750.  Just because you've ridin' the 1000 and you're okay doesn't mean you're ready.  The last guy I sold my R1 to had put a few months on a blackbird and he assumed that meant he should continue riding a very powerful bike.  Unfortunately he died about 30 seconds after taking possessoin of my bike.  Since I have lots more stories like that one please take my advice.  Buy something forgiving like a Katana, learn the basics over a year or two and then move up.  Just my two cents..........

Well Said IAN
(Busa1987 @ Sep. 11 2007,17:39) Well i did a test drive and i love the busa...and im getting one....Thankyou for your help amd imput everyone....
Congrats and
to the insanity. Keep the revs under 6,000 until you get used to her. She'll wake up and turn on you very fast above that. With all the torque the Busa generates down low, its still more powerful under 6,000 revs than most bikes on the street.
(Enginerd @ Sep. 06 2007,10:03) Well to put in my $.02, I am relatively new to street riding and i purchased my '07...  it is very forgiving, has lots of usable power so that you dont HAVE to wind it out to get enough power to cruise or get out of the way when you need to.  It all comes down to maturity if you ask me...  Aside from the stunting (Which I dont do), the Busa is a great ride for a bigger guy (I am 6-2 315) and turns lots of heads...  Thus far I have not run into too many time when people have tried to pull into my lane or havent seen me since everyone is constantly stairing at its exotic yet beefy looks.  If you can handle your need for speed and make sure that your upright when you do it, and your not going to outdo yourself in the corners before your use to it... I'd say you couldnt pick a better bike...

Also, my Busa is referred to by my family as 2 things...  The battleship (as people refer to me on it as unable to take quick turns ahaha) and the Gentle Giant as it delivers such smooth power...
everyone says that you shouldent get a busa to start out on and in a way its true but it depends on the rider if you know your own limits they why settle if you know how to ride pretty well and are mature enough to handle it why not .. yes it can get away quick over 6g especially above 9 in hard acceleration but your not gonna have that sensation on another bike you your never really going to appreciate and understand this bike until you've ridden it but its a very smooth bike and is fairly gentil until you hammer it and if you've proven you can ride then get one mine is the first bike i've owned period let alone sport bike i used to snag my dads harley's when i lived with him but i didn't ride it constantly for years it takes getting used to each bike on its own level yeah i wouldn't stunt the busa just because of the weight but that doesn't mean you can't pull a wheelie now and then as long as you know how to put it down softy which if he's driven a 1000 he probably has gotten a little bit of expirience on from getting on the throttle just slightly too much so i think that he can handle it as long as he takes baby steps learning how much you can take from the busa you just gotta remember spider man "with great power comes great responsibility" have fun enjoy it and be safe best dumbest decision you'll ever make