He's a big boy at 6'2" 235. I don't think the size or weight of the bike will be too much of a problem for him. This is one of the main reasons I chose a Busa myself, is because of my size. We're both nearly identical in build.
I've never been on a liter bike, so glad someone spoke up about the way they ride. Not looking for a wheelie king. I am positive he is not a super agressive rider. Would not put it past him though to find a straight flat road once he gets used to the bike.
Funny how all the reasons as to why I bought a Busa have become the very same reasons for him to get one himself; economics, driveability, looks, reputation.
He has saved the money, so he's got the cash in hand to get what he wants (or what I will allow him to get)
Wish I could have found a Busa down here for what you see them for up North. The cheapest deal in Houston was 12,200 out the door. (11,099+TTL+Freight+Dealer setup)
I'd be willing to make a drive to save him 1k on any bike that's decided on.
Thanks for the reply's