Single front rotor???

(05BusaLe @ Apr. 12 2007,02:48) Remove the left side caliper and rotor, Disconnect the 2 lines from the right side, Reinstall the main line to the right side using the left side banjo bolt! Left and right is while sitting on bike!
Actually I did it just opposite. I left the LEFT caliper on and removed the RIGHT. To me it was more of a balance thing being as that the rear caliper is on the right side of the bike. But the setup is exactly as 05BusaLE said. Just attach the main line (coming from master cylinder) to the caliper with the single-holed banjo bolt, and you are set. And to be quite honest, I didn't notice much in the difference between the single or double front rotors. When I get me some extra coin, I want to purchase a Galfer wave rotor.
(Chromed-n-Stretched @ Apr. 11 2007,22:53) No problem heavybusa, i wouldnt ask you to do that. But thanks for any heads up you can give me. did removing your rotor make your brake mushy? Someone told me it would but i dont think he knows what hes talking about.
Nope, never noticed a difference.

And thanks to the logic above, you could reuse the banjo bolt on the bottom but you will need a new on for the top.

Still looking. Cant find anything when you need it.
I know guys local that remove the right side rotor and caliper.Then run a steel braided line to the left side.They say the braided line is a must.Also buy a plate for the wheel,its goes where you removed the rotor.I think schnitz racing has them.