Sitting in class today


So I graduate in the fall from csu bakersfield, (I'm 22). I don't actually have a busa, i have a zx6r, my dad has the bus. Either way, I bought a couple shirts and I wore one to school today. Im taking a class called gangs in america, (stupid gen ed requirement) Well today, the local gang unit came in and did a power point presentation and started talking about motorcycle gangs like the hells angels and mongols, etc...This girl behind me taps me on a shoulder and asked if i was in a motorcycle gang.... I was kinda dumbfounded for second looking at her cause i didnt realize i had my .org shirt on with the big pic of the bike and gsx1300r on the back. Then i realized and just smiled and noded and asked her if she wanted to ride after class........she said no
ahhahaah shot down eh.... yeah we might be a gang but we usually try not to cause a ruckuss.