Skydive: 1st Use of new GoPro Hero HD! (video)

Awesome! I have always wanted to try Sky diving, but never have. The speed of the Busa keeps me satisfied for now. :)
Another great vid!

I jumped 3 times last weekend. Did my first 3 way with a instructor. I also took your advise and learned how to flat pack my canopy. I really like the flat pack technique compared to the pro pack. Flat pack seems so much easier to me. It even made it much easier to get it into the d-bag :thumbsup:

I changed out all my rubber bands and made sure all my lines were stowed tight. All my openings were really soft this time. :beerchug:

My 3rd jump of the day did have a iffy opening. The slider got stuck half way down and the last two cells on the right side of the canopy didnt want to inflate. It kinda threw me into a spin for a few seconds. I pumped the brakes a couple of times and it all went to normal though. That was a new experience for me. Though it didnt seem that bad.

Im now up to 27 jumps!
The quote was "Funnel"; what happened was that one jumper slid underneath another and stole his air, that loss of air causes the upper jumper to fall onto the below one and drag some others down with him. Not good as landing on another jumper could hurt someone. The smart person (me) let go before I was dragged into it :thumbsup:

Ok... thanks for clearing that up..:thumbsup:
It looks like you had a great time. I have one of these also. I love it and i am also still learning how to use it. Riding season is over for the most part here but i cant wait to use it again. Thanks for sharing
Kinda like Tufbusa makes riding a wheelie look easy. Only he's been doing it for 10 years, and I've been doing this for almost 20....I try not to think about how many $$$ i've spent to get where I'm at.
Update: I talked to GoPro about editing with WMM. They gave me a link to a program that converts .mp4 to .avi without any compression loss, and from what I can tell, the video quality is not downgraded any with the finished .avi, which can then be edited with WMM. mp4cam2avi.

Link is: MP4Cam2AVI Easy Converter | Get MP4Cam2AVI Easy Converter at

I spoke to fast. The .avi that this program created, while playing just perfect in Media Player, does not work in WMM :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Taking these files home tonight to my Vista machine to see if that makes any difference....
I spoke to fast. The .avi that this program created, while playing just perfect in Media Player, does not work in WMM :banghead:

Taking these files home tonight to my Vista machine to see if that makes any difference....

the avs program I linked earlier should resolve the issues :whistle:
its free to try I believe, its pretty cheap to own outright ($70?) and I am sure I have a flavor that can just work :whistle:
Awesome Video! You make that jumping stuff look so easy Keith! :thumbsup:
yea no kidding... comes in, circles around and parks it without over shooting etc.... crap I had problems just holding a heading and staying stable... sure looks easy... humbug... :laugh:
I've always wanted to try this. how much does it cost and how does one go about "jumping out of a perfectly good airplane?" I tryed to goto airborne school when I was right outta basic just to get to jump, but a fractured ankle kept me out. :-(
Go to and look for member drop zones. There are two within spitting distance of you. They are both flying Cessnas, which means the altitude won't be as high, it will be more cramped and it will take alot longer to get to altitude. Within 150 miles there are two good drop zones (In my order of preference) Skydive Monroe in Monroe GA or Skydive the Farm at Rockmart; both of them have turbine aircraft which is a much better experience. Call them and tell them you want to make a tandem. Cost around 200-250 with video (and yes you want the video); you'll get the entire experience, and training doesn't take more than 15 minutes because you are going with an instructor who is gonna pull even if you freak out. I like Monroe GA best nice people good staff and turbine. Let me know if you decide to try it!