Slip-ons (which ones to buy)???

I'll represent the R22 crowd. Sound great and look even better
those looks pretty sick man!


Purchased the RS-3 Race cans in a package deal (Yosh slip-ons and PC III-USB for $400) them because they have a nice rumble and as stated earlier they point inward as they come rearward (tucked - kinda like a Honda RC-51). I hate how some cans point outward as they come back.
the megaphone exhaust!no regular can exhaust sounds better but the brocks/muzzy sidewider is the deepest but dont forget your power commander
Purchased the RS-3 Race cans in a package deal (Yosh slip-ons and PC III-USB for $400) them because they have a nice rumble and as stated earlier they point inward as they come rearward (tucked - kinda like a Honda RC-51). I hate how some cans point outward as they come back.
A +++++++++ on what you said, they do point inward!


I just put Two Brothers on my '08. Nice deep sound. Stock mufflers makes it sound like a snomobile!
Two Brothers shorties!!!! Here is a sound clip....

Here is where you can get them..My06busa & I both ordered them from this guy. Great person to deal with. You can order straight from him, free shipping. Here is the link..

<a href="
5QQitemZ150201218046QQtcZphoto" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"></a>

Here is my bike with them on.....

Two Brothers shorties!!!! Here is a sound clip....

Here is where you can get them..My06busa & I both ordered them from this guy. Great person to deal with. You can order straight from him, free shipping. Here is the link..

<a href="
5QQitemZ150201218046QQtcZphoto" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"></a>

Here is my bike with them on.....

The deepest tone mufflers will come by way of having a chamber in the muffler before entering the thru core , kinda like the stock muffler. The ART , Scorpion and one of the Micron's are a few built this way . These types are few in the market. Most are a glass pack in disguise .

If you want aftermarket mid-pipes and like hi-exit mufflers " not hi-mount " , check out the Flying Machine Factory titanium mufflers " FMF"
This has to be confusing as can be. Just about every make slip on has been suggested. Here's one that has not been mentioned, I have Muzzy's. The tone is deep & they sound like a headered up big block Chevy with flow masters on decell.
I went with the Vance and Hines S4 stainless slip ons. Deep sound without being too loud. After a couple thousand miles they sound great. Not too loud, but sound mean when you jump on the throttle. Got mine at Dennis Kirk.
I have the D&D carbons and they are nice n deep sounding. Now I also have an aluminum full D&D system on my Yammi 1000 and that thing is f'n loud!!! I think any carbon fiber slip-on is gonna give you a deeper sound than the aluminum will.Just my .02
The deepest tone mufflers will come by way of having a chamber in the muffler before entering the thru core , kinda like the stock muffler. The ART , Scorpion and one of the Micron's are a few built this way . These types are few in the market. Most are a glass pack in disguise .

If you want aftermarket mid-pipes and like hi-exit mufflers " not hi-mount " , check out the Flying Machine Factory titanium mufflers " FMF"
I wondered what that little chamber was in there!

Two Bros has it.

It's a little hard to hear over the fans in the dyno booth, but here's mine, going through the gears, then at WOT. Doesn't sound much like a bike to me.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="">