Smartphone addiction...

Its just became a way of life, look around you when your in a crowded place :laugh: everybody has thier face buried in a smart phone

So, am I the only one that thinks this is stupid? :rofl: I hate seeing people together, not interacting, sitting at a table for dinner or whatever, and each are completely involved in their smart phone :banghead:
Im in the same boat as Saiid... On it all the time and my wife hates it. At the same time it's "okay" when she is on her phone....just not when im on mine "talking to girls online" Just so we are all clear the org is all girls in her mind, lol.

Im on my phone all the time. I use it for work and for personal...would I get all upset if I no longer had one? Not really, but I use it when I have it. I dont go home and get it if I forget it at home or anything like that.
:tantrum: @ Vabs

I opened outlook on my pc a week or so ago and had over 3,000 unread emails.
I do all that on my phone but let them copy to pc so I can weed out the unimportant ones. Just like now though if I don't check it often they build up :(
guess i'm guilty :laugh: it's my alarm...i roll over and grab it, immediately check for messages, missed calls, , e-mail, etc., then get's always with me 24/7 and i will turn around and go home to get it if i do forget it...didn't really realize how attached i was to it until i was out of service range for a bit this is how i keep in contact with about 95% of my friends and i would be extremely inconvenienced without it! :banghead:

btw, don't think that just because i'm on my phone while out with someone that we aren't interacting, i may just be making fun of you behind your back with whoever i am with and don't want you to hear :lol: j/k :thumbsup:
I am very much addicted to my smartphone. It's the last thing I see before I go to bed and the first thing I see when I wake up. Looking at my battery stats on my phone, my "screen on time" averages between 4 and 5 hours a day. So I'm on my phone for around 1/4 of the time I am awake every day.

That's 35 hours a week. 1820 hours a year. Over 75 days a year.

I'd be happy on a deserted island with NO TECHNOLOGY, for at least a month :rofl:

I think I'll go book myself a sandy spot... :beerchug:
I use it all the time. But I dont keep my face buried in it when I am with friends or having a conversation, its rude. I stream pandora, listen to music on the bike and in my truck. I get emails from the org all the time, facebook from friends and my kids, home email, weather, news, etc. Its too convenient. Gone are the days of newspaper and radio, the smart phone and internet are always with you. Videos go viral on youtube in the blink of an eye. I like it because it keeps me connected to the oRg, home, my kids, my mom, and my friends.
I use it all the time. But I dont keep my face buried in it when I am with friends or having a conversation, its rude. I stream pandora, listen to music on the bike and in my truck. I get emails from the org all the time, facebook from friends and my kids, home email, weather, news, etc. Its too convenient. Gone are the days of newspaper and radio, the smart phone and internet are always with you. Videos go viral on youtube in the blink of an eye.

The "it's rude" part is my beef...some just don't get that, and it annoys me :banghead:

I use it to check movie times and email, FB, but I can so easily put the phone down and forget it for days if it weren't for my kids using it or calling me when they're with their Dad...
I'd be happy on a deserted island with NO TECHNOLOGY, for at least a month :rofl:

I think I'll go book myself a sandy spot... :beerchug:

I did this last April when we went to Jamaica for a week.. me being a BROKE teacher won out over my 'plugged in' addiction. After I got over missing posting my status and location every 10 minutes and wanting to share pictures of things I had seen it was actually very enjoyable. Since we've come back I've actually used it much less.. except for in the middle of the night when insomnia hits and i end up virtual shopping on amazon and ebay for 2 hours.
I've been out of touch all day. :OMG: I've completely lost touch! I have so many questions!

Is the USA still a country?
Is Obama still president?
Has popcorn been outlawed?
Is Hayabusa still spelled with an H?
Has that drunk actress hit anything else with her car?
Is the sky still blue?

I can't take it! Gotta go and hit up yahoo, wikipedia, facebook, 217 interest specific forums and 7,298 Twitter feeds and, and...and...
