smoked turn signal lenses

yep, used pactra rc spray tint. Did about 2 or 3 coats until i got them to the shade i was looking for. I had the pactra tint spray laying around bc i have painted quite a few bodies for my rc trucks, and use this stuff to tint the windows all the time. I'm hoping it will hold up good bc it's meant for polycarbonate/lexan

Did you spray the inside or outside of the lenses? It looks good.
Did you spray the inside or outside of the lenses? It looks good.

Pretty sure he would have painted the inside of the lense.

I think I am going to buy the JDM BLACK LENS SPRAY PAINT that mattstang recommended and try it out on my rear brake light lense. Nothing to dark...just enough to have it match up w/ my Clear Alternative smoked turn signal lenses.
I was reading the instructions on the vht and i believe it said to only paint the outside. That's why i was asking. Wasn't sure if it made a difference as far as darkness and transparency. i think I am gonna try the JDM as well and possibly do the switchback mod as well.:thumbsup: No way I'm taking the headlight apart again to spray the inside of it though. The angel eye kit was enough headlight dissmantling for me.
O.k. I got the lense housings (rear) out. Somebody clarify please about 1) did those of you who used the spray paint the interior or exterior of the lenses and if the interior was sprayed..2) how did you seperate the lenses from the housings. They appear to be all one piece and won't come apart. i don't want to damage them by prying them apart if they aren't meant to seperate. any help would be much appreciated. Definetley would rather spray the interior so i won't have to worry about scratching the spray off.
id say spray the outside,as in order to separate you would have to place in oven at approx 150-200 degrees for some time to soften epoxy enough to pull half's could put a clear coat over top to help protect surface
id say spray the outside,as in order to separate you would have to place in oven at approx 150-200 degrees for some time to soften epoxy enough to pull half's could put a clear coat over top to help protect surface

I did that with the headlight when I installed the Angel eye kit and it scared the crap out of me. Turned out nice but it was very hard to take a brand new headlight and put it in the oven. The smell of heating plastic.....oh well I guess the lense housing are a lot cheaper if i screw them up.
yeah i sprayed the outside. Just popped the whole assembly off and sprayed a few coats over the whole lens. Not even sure how u would get the lens off to spray the inside
yeah i sprayed the outside. Just popped the whole assembly off and sprayed a few coats over the whole lens. Not even sure how u would get the lens off to spray the inside

Did it stick well? any flaking or scratching issues yet? did you spray any clear over them or just leave them with the couple coats?:please:
id say spray the outside,as in order to separate you would have to place in oven at approx 150-200 degrees for some time to soften epoxy enough to pull half's could put a clear coat over top to help protect surface

yeah i sprayed the outside. Just popped the whole assembly off and sprayed a few coats over the whole lens. Not even sure how u would get the lens off to spray the inside

Wait, wait, guys are telling me in order to pull the rear lenses...just the lenses... you have to separate it from the housing!? That can't be right.
Aren't they two different pieces and the lenses are just held in place by a couple screws?
Not on a gen 2. It is all one piece. not sure about the gen1 bikes, the scews you see on the gen2 simply hold the entire housing into the tail section. The entire housing will come out when you take the screw out. I am seriously thinking about baking them like I did the headlight in order to see if I can seperate them. I would much rather spray the insides. It appears somebody knows how to do them....
Those covers look really good! Got to get a really long look at some when I rode behind Scar the whole way up to the Grand Canyon and back to Phoenix. They really made the bike look good. :thumbsup:
also I just talked to a guy that has a crossfire "murdered out" lol which is all black. He went to a sign company and got the vinyl tint film. It has like a 20yr life and is totally blacked out UNTIL the lights come on b/c it shines right thru. It is easy enough to apply he said and all you do is wrap them over the stock lens covers. I will try to put up pics when I finally get off the boat and am able to do this myself. Thanks for the other options guys.
Here's the problem w/ Clear Alternatives....the front lenses may or may not be in stock... and the rears....well don't go holding your breath. I've been getting the "any day now" answer for months from them on the rears :banghead:
The customer service is very shoddy and they have not updated their website in over two years.

I do however agree that if you are able to get the smoked lenses from them...they are the best fitting and the cleanest looking option out there.

FINALLY got my rear lenses from them and they're a terrible fit. There's a 1/4" gap between the outside of the lens and the cowling. Looks awful.

FINALLY got my rear lenses from them and they're a terrible fit. There's a 1/4" gap between the outside of the lens and the cowling. Looks awful.

Did you get the front and rears or just rears? Just curious. I have all mine out and the lenses off. The fronts came apart fairly easy with a hair dryer and some heat. The rear lenses, well that is another story. I hope I can use some epoxy and get them back together. I sprayed the inside of the lenses. They are drying now. I hope they turn out o.k. :please: or I will have to order some from clear alternatives and your last post kinda scared me.:whistle:
Did you get the front and rears or just rears? Just curious. I have all mine out and the lenses off. The fronts came apart fairly easy with a hair dryer and some heat. The rear lenses, well that is another story. I hope I can use some epoxy and get them back together. I sprayed the inside of the lenses. They are drying now. I hope they turn out o.k. :please: or I will have to order some from clear alternatives and your last post kinda scared me.:whistle:
Only the rears. I don't like tinted front lenses because, to my eye, they then look like extensions of the vents, making them look huge.

That bike is in this months SuperStreet Bike.

I'm calling BS

Look at the "owner" in the mag it is him. He is the owner of Sportchrhome and you can put the B.S. flag away haha

That bike is in this months SuperStreet Bike.

I'm calling BS

kinda funny how the owners name is jon reed and his screen name is jonreed, and its owned by sportchrome, jonreed just happens to be our sportchrome sponsor. sounds like youre really onto something