Smokin' gunz

06 LE's will work on a regular 06 right? if it fits it's kool with me as long as they're in excelent condition.
Great Job on the paint Smokin Guns

But then, we expect nothing less of you

And what local show would this be
first of all....I didn't know it was smokin_gunz bike...I thought it was just a pic of someone else's bike......didn't mean to slam your bike dude

And BD.....your a freakin idiot internet tough guy. Ya might want to learn about the people on this board before you decide you want to slam them.
Glyn, tomorrow if the weathers good, bald hill...brookhaven ampitheater...

need more info? feel free to pm.
first of all....I didn't know it was smokin_gunz bike...I thought it was just a pic of someone else's bike......didn't mean to slam your bike dude

And BD.....your a freakin idiot internet tough guy. Ya might want to learn about the people on this board before you decide you want to slam them.
newbie.gif me on not wanting to mess with BigD...

There is a reason why there is a BIG before the D ;)

Hey Sled - go chill and have a beer on me - paypal?
I think it looks absolutely fantastic! I would prolly prefer airbrushed naked beautiful women on it though...But that's just me.
I think it looks absolutely fantastic! I would prolly prefer airbrushed naked beautiful women on it though...But that's just me.
dont fret Brendan-the paint scheme Im workn on (and the mad doctor will execute) will have just that! but it'll all be on CF body panels, and the murals will be see thru!! thats all i'm givn ya-gotta wait till I get tha body parts to Dave before I'll know exactly what we're goin to do to this thing-but it will be fuggn SICK when he's done, I gaurantee that, just off what I've seen him do already. I had three offers from painters here in Milw. to hook me up, but I saw their work, and wasn't too impressed. I knew the second I saw this guy's mad skillz on plastic, that he had to be the one to do my bike!

Yo Dave-Amy's almost healed up! once I get her back in the gym n training again for a few weeks, we're gonna do another shoot and Im getn photos from that shoot together with some old stuff, and e-mailin it to ya-not for like a month yet so plenty of time to chill. I love you idea for the CF tho- have her pullin a sheet around her, comin off the CF!??! thats awesome brah! Once I get her stuff edited, I'll throw u some old stuff to play with-want one on tank and each side fairing, cuz Im sure some ideas will fit better in certain places

I threw in one here-might look good on the hump mebbe?

oh, n dont worry bout Sled, GS-Im not.
I rub people the wrong way sometimes, thats just how it goes. not goin to get into it over a post. just dont like folks puttn other folks down for their accomplishments here. Sled explained himself-lets leave it at that

as ralph kramden [from the honeymooners for you youngheads] would say: "hummina hummina hummina". the misses is FYYNNNE bigD but there might be a problem with me painting her on the bike. my hands might be tremblin' and you might get drool on your paint...mannnn
as ralph kramden [from the honeymooners for you youngheads] would say: "hummina hummina hummina". the misses is FYYNNNE  bigD but there might be a problem with me painting her on the bike. my hands might be tremblin' and you might get drool on your paint...mannnn

dude, you crack me up!

well, if its too hard to paint her FACE on, maybe we could do somethin else? mebbe throw this on the hump-since its the only view most folks GET of my bike when its out runnin!

(cmon mods-I made it REALLY small-just sumthin to tease Dave a lil more?)

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yo D, funny thing is i've been watching the viewing count on this post and it kept going up without anyone posting

the back of the bike should get a rearview shot of her

i should be paying you to paint her
