Good News: Today I finally took the time to replace the chain.
BadNews: The bike is leaking oil from the area surrounding the front shaft... not good.
I have had two different shops look at my bike.
Neither has found evidence of damage caused from the chain breaking.
However, neither has found were it is leaking oil... AAUURRGGHH!!>:
The Suzuki dealership had it ready to go home yesterday.
I asked that they keep it an additional day to see if it is still leaking oil.
got her home...
Took her for a test ride...
So far, so good.
Before I left I properly adjusted my chain... it was too tight.
I lubed the chain and checked the alignment of the rear wheel.
Took it nice and easy for about 25 - 30 miles...
Pulled over in a well lit gas station to check for leakage... all good, no visible leaks.
THen on the way home hit the rev-limiter in 6th after a good 2nd to 3rd gear wheelie...
... I missed her so...
BadNews: The bike is leaking oil from the area surrounding the front shaft... not good.
I have had two different shops look at my bike.
Neither has found evidence of damage caused from the chain breaking.
However, neither has found were it is leaking oil... AAUURRGGHH!!>:
The Suzuki dealership had it ready to go home yesterday.
I asked that they keep it an additional day to see if it is still leaking oil.
got her home...
Took her for a test ride...
So far, so good.
Before I left I properly adjusted my chain... it was too tight.
I lubed the chain and checked the alignment of the rear wheel.
Took it nice and easy for about 25 - 30 miles...
Pulled over in a well lit gas station to check for leakage... all good, no visible leaks.
THen on the way home hit the rev-limiter in 6th after a good 2nd to 3rd gear wheelie...
... I missed her so...