So close, I can't wait!

(turbojonn @ May 27 2007,04:58) Seriously though, I got all puckered up when the bike made 285 hp. I don't know why chasing more hp is so enticing, but it is. This kit turned up should top out at 320 ish. If I switch fueling systems AND do the head it should be very capable of 500. I'd feel a lot better if I had the motor freshened up and put in a tougher output shaft. That being said, It's really not that far away. That'll be round two though. I'm going to ride it around with the existing begi/s2000 set up for this year.
I just saw one of MH's bikes sell on ebay yesterday. It made 700 hp. I wonder if the buyer really knows what that means. I can NOT imagine having a button on a stock busa you could press that would give you a 550 hp shot. I don't know if I'd ever press it. O.K. maybe I would. I think we all would. I hope that guy installs a camera on the bike so we can watch him ride.
Hey turbojohn it what a lot of people say, 30 psi of turbo motorcycle boost, is like a hot chic with a std, you want to hit it but your afraid of the consequences
(turbojonn @ May 27 2007,08:45) Air to water intercooler, s2000 injectors, dual BB turbo...OH BOY! Now I'm starting to day dream about a new fuel system, then I'd have the 500 hp I always wanted (?), because after all, 300 hp makes the bike feel like its running on three cylinders. I think I'll have it back within a month. Bert is dong a great job fitting ten gallons of turbo into 5 gallons of space. I'll post up pics when I get it back.
..........MUAAAAHHHAAAHHHAAAA !!!!!!!!!, PURE EVIL BRAH !!!!!,  

"five hundred horses coming out of ONE wheel....what's this guy thinkin' ?....."  WHOOOPSS, sorry, internal dialogue getting typed again..........








RYC1966, suggest getting dyno tuned very soon after turbo install. I didn't and blew head gasket last june. Just getting it back together. When I took motor out for head gasket, also added rods, pistons, studs, tranny, and valve springs.
Love the power. Now watching for secondaries.
(KanjiBusa @ May 27 2007,16:16)
(turbojonn @ May 27 2007,04:58) Seriously though, I got all puckered up when the bike made 285 hp. I don't know why chasing more hp is so enticing, but it is. This kit turned up should top out at 320 ish. If I switch fueling systems AND do the head it should be very capable of 500. I'd feel a lot better if I had the motor freshened up and put in a tougher output shaft. That being said, It's really not that far away. That'll be round two though. I'm going to ride it around with the existing begi/s2000 set up for this year.
I just saw one of MH's bikes sell on ebay yesterday. It made 700 hp. I wonder if the buyer really knows what that means. I can NOT imagine having a button on a stock busa you could press that would give you a 550 hp shot. I don't know if I'd ever press it. O.K. maybe I would. I think we all would. I hope that guy installs a camera on the bike so we can watch him ride.
Hey turbojohn it what a lot of people say, 30 psi of turbo motorcycle boost, is like a hot chic with a std, you want to hit it but your afraid of the consequences
(dadofthree @ May 27 2007,15:09) See this is the problem; stock Busa, OMG, six months later; stage 1 turbo OMG, six months later; stage 3 turbo OMG;

Six months from now you'll write " new this and that 500 hp felt like it was running on 3.5 cylinders. 700 hp will have it back soon, can't wait  