so sorry. official new bike

Almost perfect just need to get rid of the factory Warning stickers on the inners and take off any and all reflectors.
Congrats bulldog looks great! If you get the time this weekend point that thing North and head towards binghamton I will meet up with you. I think I am heading to North Americain Warhorse in Scranton on Saturday if you want to hook up.
Very Nice

I was just up there Monday Tuesday... Flew in and out of Philly went up to Old Forge.

Coming down the Turnpike Tuesday night was rain the whole way. WOuld love to get back up there in the summer to ride those mountains..

Enjoy the new bike. I also have the Buel pegs, do you have any problem with your foot hitting the kick stand when you feel for the shifter?

In other words after I installed my buell pegs, I lowered the shifter to match. With the kickstand down, all was perfect. When I went to ride, my foot would not go between the kickstand and shifter. I had to raise the shifter.