So what's your highest?

So what's the highest gas mileage you have gotten?

  • Less than 30 mpg

    Votes: 15 5.4%
  • Somewhere around 36

    Votes: 37 13.3%
  • maybe 39

    Votes: 24 8.6%
  • about 41

    Votes: 32 11.5%
  • not more than 43

    Votes: 35 12.6%
  • 45

    Votes: 29 10.4%
  • 46

    Votes: 13 4.7%
  • 47

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • 48

    Votes: 29 10.4%
  • 50 or more (and I only ride downhill, both ways)

    Votes: 57 20.5%

  • Total voters
If you baby her, she will really go a long way on the go-juice.

I went for my first poker run ever on my 08. It was a long all day ride, from around 8am to 9pm or so.

Well just to my luck, there wasnt a single other crotch rocket in the group. They were all hardleys, asside from 1 jap cruiser. So naturally, I couldnt air out the busa much at all... I didnt even know the route, anyways, so if I did go blasting ahead, I would likely have gotten lost.

Needless to say, I spent most of the day around 3k rpm. I got home, calculated my MPG, and you know what I saw?


Yeah, if you want good gas mileage, just ride with some Hardleys!
I got just under 50mpg. Of course that was 70 mph and not being a throttle jocky. I had to run the numbers twice to make sure I had computed it right. Then the Washington gas made my bike complain the rest of the trip and for two tanks after I got back. What gives?
I got 49 when I first got my 08. But that was a few weeks of 50 mile roundtrip highway commute to work, staying under 8 grand during break in. Haven't seen anywhere close to those numbers since:laugh:
I got 72.99 mpg on a road trip. 273 miles 3.74 gallons. Of course that was going 55-60 following behind our RV the whole time. Zero wind! Yeah talk about boring!!!! But amazing when I went to fill up. I thought my gauge was broken because it was barely moving! I average 48.5. Lots of highway!
Best : 59 MPG - Hollyday trip to Norway (Speed limit 50 MPH)
Avg : 36 MPG - Commute
Low : 25 MPG - Very inspired driving :whistle:
i have too much fun winging out the bike... the expressway entrance is right by my house so everytime i get on im all in it balls deep with a smile
Mixed I'm getting just under 40, the '06 got 38 under similar conditions on e-10 fuel. Now on pure gas she got 42-44 which was great for the 100 mile a day commute back then. I want to say that my best was in the 47 neighborhood. I'd like to see if I can figure out a gear swap that can use the same chain to squeeze out a few more MPG on the highway.