SoCal Hoons! Ride it out on Saturday, 13MAR10

got it....SCAR well be on the road from OCrapside about 7:45 so we'll be at Denny's at about 8:15 HOPEFULLY to grab the last bite...if not then were screwed and hungry till good ole Carly's :please:

Left a message on your phone. Just checking if this Denny's is the one near Camp Pendleton? killerrudy and I will be thereto link up with you NLT 0815.
We need to nuke this out, Hoons.

Carlos/Romeo/Brian: We need you guys to be at the Denny's at 70th street by 8a; we should be finished eating and gearing up to get to the Mobil by 8:45.

If you don't plan eat, then the meet-up at Greenfeld Mobil is at 9a; and Kickstands Up at 9:30.

I'm retrieving Keven from North Park at 7:15-7:30 and we'll be at Denny's just before 8a.

Hope this helps ya'llz figure out your time-lines.

See you tomorrow morning for some awesome, awesome riding. :beerchug:

Hey its 2:20am what are you guys up to??? man i swear i had something to do tomorrow morning...hmmm...ohhh yeahhh...7:30am meet and greet 15 miles away and then long ride with the hoons....silly me...:clap:

All right ya'llz...I'm headed to the Engine Room to get Peg ready to go scoop up Skaz...and head out to breakfast.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Remember; the Great State of California is still VERY hungry...mind your fours, fives, and sixes and the horizon on the freeways.


It promises to be a great day!

Awesome ride besides the oil plug the radiator and nevertheless the wallet.... ohhhh o o o and the insane wind. But the other than that GGGrRRRREeAaaat ride.
All right ya'llz...I'm headed to the Engine Room to get Peg ready to go scoop up Skaz...and head out to breakfast.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Remember; the Great State of California is still VERY hungry...mind your fours, fives, and sixes and the horizon on the freeways.


It promises to be a great day!


Was there, waiting, but no show:(:down:
Looks like you had a day.
How I miss the Twist.:laugh:

How you doing sKaz?
yeah, I got a perma-grin. sick roads and sick riders:bowdown::beerchug:

Looking forward to meeting you in the future. The 74 into Temecula is having some construction issues, and will prove to be a burden, but I will make my way down there ASAP.
Well, the oil drain plug that became missing upon stopping on the side of the road cretaed quite a mess.

Hopefully the pics can show just how much oil is coating the side of the bike.

craig oil down 2 3-13-10.jpg

craig oil down 3 3-13-10.jpg
It was one of the most multi-faceted rides ever.

I'll post my pix up here in a minute or two. :whistle:
The wind was really crazy on the desert floor, we could barely keep it over 120! LOL! There was also some collateral damage, as Jimmysd,(.oRg handle) took some shrapnel from the rocky old sea floor into the radiator area off yours truly's tire. Maybe he should leave more following distance:poke:
OK Here is seen by the road.

Really competent rider. He was riding with grown arse men who have been riding these roads for years and didn't put a wheel out of place all day. BIG TIME KUDOS!!

Skaz from the road.jpg