SoCal Salutes VMan1300 (Ride Pic)

That is great guys! I tell you that it was such an honor being able to give our condolences to the family for the whole org. family. I am here to say that they were deeply touched by our show of respect to the Vman.

We have a great family here at the org.

To everyone who made the trip to Asheville...thanks very much for representing on all our behalf. Kat sent me this pic...she framed the pic I sent her (page 1, post 1) and propped it on her bike during the interrment. Amazing. Humbling.

Memorial Ride.jpg
Think there will be lots of that going on! Very nice of you, brotha.
thanks for sharing Scar thats awesome and i am sure Kevin was right there with you all....thanks again...
Chris, Jamie, JD, Greg, Julian, Jimmy, Chuck, Marcel, YooiY, Scar, & Lamb...

SoCal rides in Kevin "VMAN1300" Varner Tribute Ride in WNC!

Brotherhood is a dying breed. When you find one, you better hold steadfast for soon they will be gone…

My 2004 HD Fat Boy was ridden by my brother, Trashy, & my daughter. I rode with my ol' man on the 2000 Vulcan Nomad. After all was said and done, and we left in the cold, cloudy weather, we headed south down I-26 to greet sunshine & a little warmth on our faces. We all rode in silence as the two motors hummed in such perfect harmony. I wish you all could have felt Kevin's warm embrace to his brother & sister.

Forever Free,


SoCal Rides in Kevin Varner Tribute Ride in WNC.jpg
Kat: Thanks for the note. I've forwarded a link to this thread to all the guys in that picture; most of whom are not members of this family. I'm confident they will be humbled by your comments.

I know it's been said many, many times: If there's anything at all, ever, you or your family needs, all you have to do is turn here.

Kat: Thanks for the note. I've forwarded a link to this thread to all the guys in that picture; most of whom are not members of this family. I'm confident they will be humbled by your comments.

I know it's been said many, many times: If there's anything at all, ever, you or your family needs, all you have to do is turn here.

I am truly humbled...This Band of Brotherhood...
It was truely an epic ride. Had to be somebody from up top watching for sure.
It was an honor thanks for the invite Scar !
