Sold my $380 jacket on eBay for $120!

Folks sell on e-bay (or any auction site) hoping to get more than they would selling the traditional way. Buyers go on e-bay hoping to get things cheaper than they would buying the traditional way. I've always noticed in the end (not counting scams or junk being sold) it works out to be similiar to deals I usually get buying things locally, through friends, retailer sales etc. I think for the most part only e-bay and scammers are the ones making any real money :laugh: Kinda like lawyers and class action lawsuits :rofl:
Ebay has worked for me, I tried selling my Yamaha Radian locally. All I got was people wanting a test ride. I did have one that really wanted it. But his fiance didn't. She was giving me the evil eye the whole time he was going around the block. But any way. I listed my bike with a reserve and ended up getting 500.00 more then the reserve. (I GOT WHAT I PAID FOR IT 10 YEARS BEFORE).
as disappointing as it is, I hope you suck it up and finish the deal appropriately (actual shipping & handling).

yes, you are out a couple hundred bucks, but your integrity is worth more than that. it's a "lesson learned" situation for sure.

just remember this, a man's word is his bond...