Some people sure are sugarbritches... truck was keyed but found a solution!


I'm not sure why my car was targeted or when but someone decided to have fun with a key all alongside the passenger side of the Jeep. I don't understand how anyone is capable of doing this. The scratches continued all over the side of the bed as well. I'm a super nice guy so not sure why I would have deserved this...

Took a bit of cleaning with the right products and here is the result...

In case anyone is wondering this is all I used with a microfiber.
Probably some jealous turd wad........

Too bad you didn't have any video footage of the person doing this......

People that would do this need to suffer a few broken fingers to remind them not to touch other people's stuff.....
I think I got lucky on this one. I wanted to share the product I used just in case someone has the same issue. I even used it to remove the scratches from my helmet... worked amazing!

Yeah, that is amazing.
It sucks that it happened, but I can't belive that you were able to buff it out!
I'm glad that worked for you.
I have a few tree branch scratches on my truck that I'm going to try that on when it warms up, thanks.