Some pix from this weekend!

That's a good idea.. you got "Creamcheese" there??? LOL
we got whateva you need brendan hahahaa... Im serious if you guys wanna ride down sometime let me know...
alex stop being a wussy lol... Didnt think of it steve. lol .. More crap to have been talked hahah your welcome to come to i mean by place s kinda small but hell your all welcome
hopefully the bank will accept my offer on our new place. put in a bid not too long ago but
Looked like fun, hey can you get a doggy bag for those ribs!
Actually yea we got a doggy bag for em. I loaded 4 of em under my hump with the mod.
Brendan cramed 3 of em in the bag.
I cant tell you guys the fun.
Tito's a good guy, he and i had a hard time shutting up. Dans pretty cool too. too bad he dumped it man.
Brendan's about as laxed as they come. I noticed at every minor curv he would slow down and lean hard then rip it.
I couldnt help but chuckle everytime.

Tito, good to hear you and Dan got back home. Helluva ride.
Why dude? I can Rip it up! I'll ride with the best of 'em!!! No corner scares me!!
It will NOT be this yr. bud... probably next yr. Got Sam coming out in August. I got a big trip next yr to Washington State too.. Would like to make the bash next yr too!
Good times, good food, good friends.
Man I would love to have that scenery to look at while I ride, and the ribs weren't bad to look at either.