Someone got to point this out!

Ill keep my jeans thanks im all set with wearing leather spandex on a 99 degree day been down twice and i do wear a jacket, seems to be alot of saftey freaks that wanna tell you what to wear ? and frown upon you if your not wearing what they think you should be wearing
I NEVER understand the harley guys.They wear boots,jeans,leather jacket and top it off with gloves and then mess it all up by wearing a bandana instead of a helmet.WHy bother with the rest of the gear if you arent gonna wear a lid???
One of the main reason fatalities are on a rise for men over 40 riding motorcycles.

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Good topic; didn't open it 'til earlier today...

I'm guilty of wearing jeans...been looking for some alternative gear to wear under 'em since this was posted up. It'll be worth the price...thanks for the reminder
Ill keep my jeans thanks im all set with wearing leather spandex on a 99 degree day been down twice and i do wear a jacket, seems to be alot of saftey freaks that wanna tell you what to wear ? and frown upon you if your not wearing what they think you should be wearing
Not frowning just trying to keep my insurance down and may be a wake a call to some, do you have any idea how much a injury motorcycle accident cost the taxi payers, you would be shocked.

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I ride with shorts & flip-flops all the time....
Slay me, Slay me!

I ONCE rode with a t-shirt, shorts, sandals AND with my (then) 5 year old sitting between me and the tank in his shorts, sandals and a t-shirt.  Oh yeah, no helmets either.

Slay me, crucify me!
I hope you are kidding dude.Putting your own life at risk is one thing.But your 5 yr old kid???

We just idled it around the block, in our quiet (no traffic) neighborhood.  I coulda dumped if I had to and stood up (basically) that's how slow I was going.

The only time we've ever gone fast (to him) he had a helmet on.  He was still in front though.  Now that I think of it, he wasn't 5, he was 6.  (like that makes a difference)

The point is though, while the safest thing to do is stay in the house on the computer at the .org, we all accept certain risks in life.  When I ride, for real, I gear up.  But I don't like the leather suit look, so I'll go incognito with the gear under my clothes.

Nothing like looking like Robocop (full race gear) when you get to the restaurant, or work, or movies, or whereever.

The only thing I WILL buy, in addition to what I already use, this year, as a result of threads like these are moto boots.  I've already got the helmet, leather jacket, armor on legs.

One thing I will never do is preach my morals (safety) on someone else.  To each his own.
Heh Heh heh ... If you have a problem with that you're gonna L O V E Me! jr has been my riding companion since he was 4 months old. Yes, I said 4 Months. Sister-in-law got me one of those yuppie backpacks and it was ON! Started off around the block and stayed that way until he was big enough for a lid ( 3 Yrs old ) Since then our rides last for everything from 5 minutes to 45 minutes. He's like his daddy, Rain or shine... who cares! 99.9% of the time he rides the Harley. I didn't like him on the bacl of the Busa because he is fearless and moves around a lot. He is the main reason i got the Dresser. Now he can sit back there and dance around to his hearts content and i have no worries. By the way ... we both wear jackets, helmets and Jeans.
I've gone down in jeans before....jean shorts...
Protected me just fine, no rash where the jeans were, plenty of rash on the rest of my legs.

Haven't left the house without gear on after that, no matter how short the ride. Now I sport draggin jeans. Won't do anything for impact, but no road rash with them. Seen vids of the makers being dragged down the street on their behind, and get up without a scratch.

I have a pair of leathers too, but I like to ride my bike everywhere, and I don't like wearing leathers everywhere...know what I mean? So I wear them few and far between, only for those riding only days.

The points of the post were:
1.) Jeans do offer some form of rash protection, not perfect, but they do work to an extent.
2.) Draggin jeans and similar products are the perfect solution. You can wear them on the bike, and then out to wherever you are going without looking like a power-ranger.
3.) Leathers will offer rash and impact protection but I wouldn't wear them to a club at night unless you want to get looked at funny.
Billy Idol once said "There's 2 types of bike riders , the ones that have crashed ....and the ones that are gonna crash ." Anyone that's rode more than a few years , will know , that this is painfully TRUE .

Leathers are a Plus !
Full face helmet, leather (perforated) jacket, leather gloves, armor mesh tights under Draggin Jeans and motorcycle appropriate boots or shoes should be the minimum.

Draggin Jeans w/ impact armor underneath should be sufficient for the street, but obviously not the track or if you plan on putting the hammer down that day.
I have been riding cruisers for years up to about six months ago. My normal riding gear was ankle high boots, jeans, T-shirt, gloves, sunglasses and a half-helmet. Since I have switched to sport riding my gear has been upgraded a little; Shoei x-11 full-face, Frank Thomas 2-pc. perferated leathers, hard knuckle leather gloves and Oxstar Goretex matrix boots. If I ever do go down I like my chances of riding again, and eating with a fork instead of through a straw. I hope I don't sweat too bad this summer in Florida in the leathers but it still beats bleeding.