i can beat that. last june, about 5 or 6 of us went for a ride for a few hours and stopped in at a local bar/restaurant to see some friends (no drinking and riding). after we were there abotu 15 minutes, someone came in and asked who owned the bikes outside. i knew what happened befor i even looked. i went outside and found my 3 week old tl1000r lying under my friends ducatti 748, both behind this 1929 model a ford. the jerk in the ford decided thathe could make it and hit the duc, knocking it over onto my bike. the footpeg of the duc landed on the exact spot to break the bead on my rear tire and deflate it and break the rim. the upper and both lowers were wrecked, the fairing stay bent as well as a lot of other stuff. total damage to my bike about 3 grand. the ducatti had 9600 hundred worth of damage. almost every body panel and tank, wheel, belt clip ons, almost everything. now for the kicker, the prick had no insurance and i had liability only on my tl, so i had to pay for the damamge out of pocket. i cornered the prick in a bar a couple months later. and made him give me a thousand bucks cash or he wasnt gonna leave walking. my friend with the duc had full coverage so his insurace covered his damage, but his bike was totaled, and he is just getting paid for it this week, 9 months later