Something Disturbing.....

If your palms were shredded and your butt was shredded the first time it sounds like you weren't wearing any armor/protection.

What this dream is telling you is, next time, make sure you're wearing some....

Good set of leathers, boots, gloves and a helmet. Or, if you get too hot in that, wear some armor that goes under your jeans and shirt, e.g.:

Seriously, get the message and be proactive about defending your own skin.
Hey Pac,

Try this: Go find a dim and quite place to relax. Close your eyes and picture yourself riding the Busa down your favorite strech of road. Going through the twisties and looking around you. That's the easy part. Now visualize your one of your fears coming true. What do you do to correct it? (Remember, it was the decision before the mistake that causes the problem.) Picture what you need to do, and mentally do it! Study every aspect of the correction as you do it. This part will take some practice.

Mentally practice this over and over, until you see yourself regaining control of your bike EVERY TIME AUTOMATICALLY!

Try this to improve most riding skills also.

Keep your head up, Pac.

God Speed.
The mind is a tricky thing... most dreams are pure crap. We have the tendency to replay all our fears over and over again in the hopes of finding an answer or to protect ourselves. Never let fear quide your actions... Learn from it, overcome it... That is the only way to truly protect yourself. Really only you can fufill a self fufilling prophecy. I was going to write this in Yoda speak but it is not polite to make light of someone else's fears. I used to have a dr350 and I clipped a tree branch about fifteen feet (doing about 20mph) in the air. I had recurring nightmares up until I got back on the bike and hit the jump that knocked me on my A$$ again. Ride through it... Thats my advice!
Sorry about that... I had just gotten off the phone with a client and after repeating the same thing thirty times I was still stuck in Redundancy mode!
You will notice I am a fan of the ellipse as well.......
It's a long read, but please bear with me....

Flashback to November, 2003: I had recently bought my Busa...was so damned excited to get her. Me an her....taking this little bitty island by storm. The island is only 33 miles long by 26 miles wide. In two weeks, I put about 600 new miles on the odo....and she wasn't even my primary form of transportation. Bear in mind how long and how wide the island is. I was riding high....enjoying the peace and stillness of mind that until now had never been achieved through anything else. Riding was therapuetic....I never knew how good it felt to actually have "nothing on your mind". Bliss....purely.

December comes and goes....and I soon become dependent upon riding to relieve my everday stress. Riding was better than stopping by the Pub on the way home to crack down a cold one. Life was never better.

January comes with a dream...I'm facing the sun, the front wheel comes up...and it keeps on coming up....and I can't seem to control it. I end up crashing the Busa....I see her bouncing and flying as she tumbles mercilessly against the earth. A nightmare indeed....

February comes...and a riding companion passes away. Right before my eyes, I see him slowly leaving this earth...eyes glazed, fixated skyward. I feel for a pulse....there is one, but it is faint....subtle....and then no more. I see no visible injuries on his person...only a dark, thick liquid trickling down the hill where he was laying. I could only assume one thing: cranial fluid. I hear wailing in the background....disbelief in voices that belonged to the group I was riding with that day...and then one voice pierces the mayhem: his wife's. I hear her screaming "Is he going to be okay?!?!".....I tell her that he should be fine.

Two weeks later, the same dream facing the sun...front wheel coming up...and I can't stop it. I see myself tumbling and sliding...and I see the Busa doing the same. I wake up and shake it off....although I am already somewhat unsettled by the occurrence of these dreams.

One more dream in March of 2004....and yet again, I dismiss it. "It's just a warning," I say to myself...I just need to be extra careful.

April re-occurring dreams. I am at peace once again...and riding. Not with reckless abandon, but with tempered awareness. April 27th is a beautiful day to ride. Sun high, no clouds...somewhat breezy, but when is it not on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean? I go to work in the cage...just so I can take a better look at the weather that the day offers. Lunchtime comes, I take the wife, eat, and then go home to pick up the bike. I leave work early to get in a ride with two good 5:30pm, disaster strikes.

The very same dream now comes back....but this time it's played out in the real world...instead of in my mind. I'm facing a beautiful sunset. A nice, strong cross-wind hits's nothing new. lean and add throttle, and voila! Instant correction. Not today, I would soon find out.

The front wheel comes up in the air....and continues to rise. I try to correct it, but remain frozen in my previous posture. My mind communicates to my body what it needs to do....but to no avail. I kick off the bike....and instantly feel my palms shred. My butt takes a beating too...I hear the once mighty roar of 1300CC's reduced to a painful silence....and realize while I'm rolling down the road that this is NO dream.

Fast forward to April 21st, 2005 at 4:22 in the morning. I awaken from a previously uneventful slumber....roused by a dream that disturbed me deeply.

I'm riding once again....the Busa is now rebuilt. I can vividly recall the feeling of being at peace mentally yet again! I look down at my shadow following me on the road....and the sun is at my back. I cannot believe that I am once again back in the saddle....the rebuild seemed only to have lasted two weeks. I feel exhiliration that I was able to complete a monumental task (at least to myself) in such a short period of time. I'm riding on new I know that there is the slippery preservative compound on them. I need to be careful...and careful I am. I get on the throttle easy....and then slowly start to weave on the road. Slowly leanin over a little bit further each time I weave, trying to scrub off that preservative compound.

Again....disaster strikes. As I lean the bike over to my left, I feel the back start to get unstable....before I can correct it, I feel the bike take an unhealthy dive to the side...and then see her sliding out from beneath me. I feel my face hit the ground....I roll and slide on my back until there is no more momentum. My face is burning, but I don't feel any missing skin. How ironic...I didn't feel there was any skin missing from my butt either.

I get up and stare in disbelief at the bike now laying on it's side....broken, bent and silent. It took me so long to get back up and in the saddle again...and yet in an instant, it is gone. It was at this particular moment that I awake....heart racing and breathing heavily.

Is this my new fate? Is this what I am destined for when I saddle up again? I pray to the Good Lord above that it is not...that it is only a passing dream.

Warily, I dismiss it. Yet somehow....doubt grows in my mind. I do not know the meaning of this particular dream....much like I did not know the meaning of the last one. Is it a precursor of events that will unfold? Or is it just that: a dream that is passing...

Perhaps this time around it will not be just my dream that passes...
Holy fug , get off the Crack . While there's still time.
I get up and stare in disbelief at the bike now laying on it's side....broken, bent and silent. It took me so long to get back up and in the saddle again...and yet in an instant, it is gone. It was at this particular moment that I awake....heart racing and breathing heavily.

If you prove yourself a prophet, then take solice in the fact you see yourself staring in disbelief at your now once again wrecked bike.

Though it would truely suck to see your efforts dashed again, the fact you see yourself standing over the wreckage would have me back in the saddle without hesitation.
It's a long read, but please bear with me....

Flashback to November, 2003: I had recently bought my Busa...was so damned excited to get her. Me an her....taking this little bitty island by storm. The island is only 33 miles long by 26 miles wide. In two weeks, I put about 600 new miles on the odo....and she wasn't even my primary form of transportation. Bear in mind how long and how wide the island is. I was riding high....enjoying the peace and stillness of mind that until now had never been achieved through anything else. Riding was therapuetic....I never knew how good it felt to actually have "nothing on your mind". Bliss....purely.

December comes and goes....and I soon become dependent upon riding to relieve my everday stress. Riding was better than stopping by the Pub on the way home to crack down a cold one. Life was never better.

January comes with a dream...I'm facing the sun, the front wheel comes up...and it keeps on coming up....and I can't seem to control it. I end up crashing the Busa....I see her bouncing and flying as she tumbles mercilessly against the earth. A nightmare indeed....

February comes...and a riding companion passes away. Right before my eyes, I see him slowly leaving this earth...eyes glazed, fixated skyward. I feel for a pulse....there is one, but it is faint....subtle....and then no more. I see no visible injuries on his person...only a dark, thick liquid trickling down the hill where he was laying. I could only assume one thing: cranial fluid. I hear wailing in the background....disbelief in voices that belonged to the group I was riding with that day...and then one voice pierces the mayhem: his wife's. I hear her screaming "Is he going to be okay?!?!".....I tell her that he should be fine.

Two weeks later, the same dream facing the sun...front wheel coming up...and I can't stop it. I see myself tumbling and sliding...and I see the Busa doing the same. I wake up and shake it off....although I am already somewhat unsettled by the occurrence of these dreams.

One more dream in March of 2004....and yet again, I dismiss it. "It's just a warning," I say to myself...I just need to be extra careful.

April re-occurring dreams. I am at peace once again...and riding. Not with reckless abandon, but with tempered awareness. April 27th is a beautiful day to ride. Sun high, no clouds...somewhat breezy, but when is it not on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean? I go to work in the cage...just so I can take a better look at the weather that the day offers. Lunchtime comes, I take the wife, eat, and then go home to pick up the bike. I leave work early to get in a ride with two good 5:30pm, disaster strikes.

The very same dream now comes back....but this time it's played out in the real world...instead of in my mind. I'm facing a beautiful sunset. A nice, strong cross-wind hits's nothing new. lean and add throttle, and voila! Instant correction. Not today, I would soon find out.

The front wheel comes up in the air....and continues to rise. I try to correct it, but remain frozen in my previous posture. My mind communicates to my body what it needs to do....but to no avail. I kick off the bike....and instantly feel my palms shred. My butt takes a beating too...I hear the once mighty roar of 1300CC's reduced to a painful silence....and realize while I'm rolling down the road that this is NO dream.

Fast forward to April 21st, 2005 at 4:22 in the morning. I awaken from a previously uneventful slumber....roused by a dream that disturbed me deeply.

I'm riding once again....the Busa is now rebuilt. I can vividly recall the feeling of being at peace mentally yet again! I look down at my shadow following me on the road....and the sun is at my back. I cannot believe that I am once again back in the saddle....the rebuild seemed only to have lasted two weeks. I feel exhiliration that I was able to complete a monumental task (at least to myself) in such a short period of time. I'm riding on new I know that there is the slippery preservative compound on them. I need to be careful...and careful I am. I get on the throttle easy....and then slowly start to weave on the road. Slowly leanin over a little bit further each time I weave, trying to scrub off that preservative compound.

Again....disaster strikes. As I lean the bike over to my left, I feel the back start to get unstable....before I can correct it, I feel the bike take an unhealthy dive to the side...and then see her sliding out from beneath me. I feel my face hit the ground....I roll and slide on my back until there is no more momentum. My face is burning, but I don't feel any missing skin. How ironic...I didn't feel there was any skin missing from my butt either.

I get up and stare in disbelief at the bike now laying on it's side....broken, bent and silent. It took me so long to get back up and in the saddle again...and yet in an instant, it is gone. It was at this particular moment that I awake....heart racing and breathing heavily.

Is this my new fate? Is this what I am destined for when I saddle up again? I pray to the Good Lord above that it is not...that it is only a passing dream.

Warily, I dismiss it. Yet somehow....doubt grows in my mind. I do not know the meaning of this particular dream....much like I did not know the meaning of the last one. Is it a precursor of events that will unfold? Or is it just that: a dream that is passing...

Perhaps this time around it will not be just my dream that passes...
Holy fug , get off the Crack . While there's still time.
just real quickly before I run off to court....

I'll have time later on to respond to the rest... bro....I am suprised, and yet, I ain't.

I will however, leave a parting thought....

I get up and stare in disbelief at the bike now laying on it's side....broken, bent and silent. It took me so long to get back up and in the saddle again...and yet in an instant, it is gone. It was at this particular moment that I awake....heart racing and breathing heavily.

If you prove yourself a prophet, then take solice in the fact you see yourself staring in disbelief at your now once again wrecked bike.

Though it would truely suck to see your efforts dashed again, the fact you see yourself standing over the wreckage would have me back in the saddle without hesitation.
not too sure how I can take solace in it, but alright. I guess the fact that I'm still living is a good thing (hence my ability to stand over the wreckage), but's supposed to be "Live to Ride"....not "Live to Crash".
ok real quickly again....dangit I'm gonna be late for the staff meeting...

Crack Kills, huh?

Not sure if this will be of comfort, nor if anyone other than you can truly offer a solution.

When not paying homage to the Busa God's my job is flying. At the moment I fly helicopters and have also flown big jets for an airline. Over the years I have lost many friends and co-workers in aircraft crashes. The worst of all time was when I was the person to find my best friend's body, or what was left of it, scattered over a 20 acre crash site.

In flying helicopters that perform certain jobs, like lifting loads or performing rescues, a pilot is literally on the edge of death, often placing themselves in an unrecoverable situation if the engine even hesitates. There have been many pilots who have started down a path of doubt that ate at them to the point that they had to leave the business. Those of us who overcome such thoughts do so by virtue of sheer stupidity or some way of pushing aside such thoughts.

In 1992 I had a crash when an engine component failed. I obviously lived, but broke my back in three places and had to face the uncertainty of being able to walk again for some time. When it came time to get back in the helicopter, I went through a similar situation as you with recurring dreams, with all the people whom I had known that died, joining in these dreams.

What got me through it was doing essentially what a lot of people have already shared with you here. In going back to square one and starting from scratch with an emphasis on keeping things safe and simple and letting my proverbial envelope expand back at it’s own pace. It really did not take long at all until all that passed. An interesting side note to that is, even though the accident was easily determined to be a mechanical failure. My personal abilities at flying increased ten-fold as I went back to basics. This obviously helped in overcoming any self-doubt.

For you, this would mean starting back at square one and giving yourself time to become so comfortable with your bike that it becomes an extension of you. My bet is that doing so will yield a much different result should the ugly demon of fate, or your front tire, raise its ugly head…….
O great shaven one, I your humble supplicant offer this for you to ponder: Self-fullfilling prophecy. Quit sleeping on your back(thats when my nightmares are worst) and ride your bike with caution, but not anxiety.
Nice, Mr. B....very nice....

Seriously, though...there is wisdom in this. But that's exactly what I mean: "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy".

It was in some way self-fulfilled, no? The dreams....the crash. I dunno...

But yes....very good advice, Mr. B....very good. You only need to now prove your shaving keeness to be elevated to "Shaver Elite"....
Thankyou for considering my offering of consolation to you O Great Shorn One. I remain your loyal razor-holder, ever ready to supply you with a fresh Mach!
Bro, the crash has occured, you will ride again, you will prolly come off again. Don't spend your time worrying over that which you can't control, do as Va suggests, baby steps first. Some people think dreams are pre-cursors to actual events, I don't subscribe to that theory. I think that the stress in your mind from not being able to ride, combined with your fear of crashing again are causing your sub-concious thoughts to bleed over in the form of dreams. Just be carefull when the time comes....
there is sense in this....
Much like everyone has stated...You just need to be careful while riding...I've gone to the edge a couple of times on my last ride and I've come to realize I've got to do better...I've been down before but I don't think I could take another fall and recover fully...
I feel ya, Stunnah bro....I dunno if this body can handle another hit like the last one. Although I hate to admit it, it seems like my body is taking longer and longer to bounce back from hard times. More caution from my end, I guess.

That and my damned acid-reflux is acting up a whole lot more. WTF....
Slow and careful on the next ride.  Take it at a gentle pace for a while until comfort is back in the game.  Practice the fundamentals and you'll be okay, bro!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, bro....I just hope that I don't have to find out the hard way that I should've listened to myself.