Something new we have been working on

(Hy_Rolr @ Feb. 20 2007,08:58)
(badassbusa03 @ Feb. 20 2007,08:44) ok, forgive me for my ignorance, but on the site, and creating an account, in the address box in the post code section ............... WTF goes here? I have entered my address correctly, and have no post code in my address, so i have no idea what to put here.

please help a dummy out.

i can not find my for dummies book  
I put my zip code in there, he may have used the word postal because that's what it's called in some foreign countries and they mat not know what a zip is.  
you know, i think you are right. after looking at the page again, i never had my zip listed.

now wheres my dummies book? i still cant find it .........................
Kick A$$ CAp!!!

I think you are on to something here, I like the upload art work section.
I love the site. I got a small problem though. Or should I say a 4XL problem. Got any? Im a dang big dude. I gots no problem forking over a few extra buckaroos for that.
(BIGSMOOTHH @ Feb. 20 2007,21:21) I love the site.  I got a small problem though.  Or should I say a 4XL problem.  Got any?  Im a dang big dude.  I gots no problem forking over a few extra buckaroos for that.  
I think we have a 4xl hoodie with nothing on it right now.... I can get more if you want them, I have some limits on what styles and colors but I can work something for you....

can you offer one of the recent shirts?
the one with the rider on the back?
blue, long sleeved with the small logo on the front

i want several of those for me and friends --
(emptys @ Feb. 20 2007,22:36) can you offer one of the recent shirts?
the one with the rider on the back?
blue, long sleeved with the small logo on the front

i want several of those for me and friends --
I have some of those in black... Let me know if you want them in black and what sizes
Hey Cap, if you wanna work out somethin to put the decals we had on the auction site on the shirt site let me know.

Had the Kanji and Calvin among others
Awesome... I don't know how I missed this up until today! Very cool. I should have some free loot soon.
Cap, small question. Not trying to be funny but when I click the 30 day guarantee link it says I have 14 days to return something. So is it 30 days or 14? Thanks
14 Days, I have a little graphics work to do... If a person doesnt know they dont want the merchandise in 14 days they have bigger issues than the shirt.....
(captain @ Feb. 19 2007,23:45)
(mzrsq @ Feb. 19 2007,22:40) Good Looking site.........I hope this prospers for you.

Now.........As soon as I see an XL PINK  
 Hoodie/style#2/White You'll have $$$ coming your way.
Order placed,

Fast and Easy.............

Site worked Great Doug.