Sometimes life makes little sense to me

Randy, If there is anything I can do to help or just lend a shoulder for ya, You just have to ask. Ill do anything I can to help in way, or form I can, Just like the rest of the .org family. Keep your head up, your heart strong and your life in Gods hands.

If you need to talk, give me a call. Im always ready to listen.


Ryders Connection

What a little cutie! Sam just called & told me....Sorry to hear about this Randy! Here's praying they're wrong, or she gets the new liver she needs.

Is it cancer, or something else?
Prayers sent. I lost a grand nephew suddenly at the age of 2. Probably not as tramatic as what you are going through. Pray for strength. Pray for guidance. Pray for understanding.
Prayers are sent!

I realize that you said she is on the transplant list, but I was wondering if the possibility of a living transplant would be available for her. Since the liver regenerates itself, a person can donate part of their own healthy liver. In time the person who donated as well as the recipient have a regenerated healthy liver. I have no knowledge if they do this with little people though.

Sending you and your family my best.
Randy, I feel so bad for your family. Somedays life just doesn't seem fair! God works miracles every day, hope and pray for the best. I'm so sorry. Kent
Sorry to hear. Prayers sent. If there's anything I can do to help, please PM me.