Soon to be proud owner

lol dropped the kat one time in the grass and its only like 35lbs lighter than the busa, got it standin back up with a lil grunting. The 06 doesn't seem to have much issue with this but i'll end up doin the kickstand mod anyway. Seems to lean quite well in the showroom
Have read many stories here about the bike rolling forward and falling over due to the lack of lean angle in the kiskstand. Park it in 1st and give the tail a little lift. OR use the pit bull type stands.
i think eventually i'm gonna get one of those front wheel chocks you roll into ya know?
Congrats on your future purchase!!!! Hurry up and get'er!!! Enjoy and be safe. Like everyone says, wear the gear, respect and the machine. They can really scoot.
its supposed to rain tomorrow so i was hopin they'd surprise me today and say it came in :-(
JUST brought her home and man is she glad to be here :-)


i got home and posted pics then i went out ridin with the GF. She is absolutely GAGA over it. Says its comfier than the katana and its smoother which i WHOLE HEARTEDLY agree on and it gives her more confidence in curves when she's ridin
If your keeping it outside where those pictures are, take all the proper measures for ant-theft and protection from the elements.
And remove the stickers atleast. The reflectors are optional. They are a safety feature. Now if they work or not?? who Knows???
And remove the stickers atleast. The reflectors are optional. They are a safety feature. Now if they work or not?? who Knows???

And you have the bestest color option out there in My opinion!!!
the cover should be here tomorrow and as far as anti-theft, its a force of habit now to use the steering lock but i'll be lookin for an actual lock soon, like the ones that mount on the rear disc or whatever. Anyone got any pointers for those locks?

Looks good..and yes the back IS more comfortable than the Kat. I rode 2 up on our Kat before GJoker got his Busa. It was OK, a little cramped. Then he got the Busa and we rode 2 up and there was all kinds of room back there.

Anyway.. great color choice. It is the fastest you know.