Sorry its another gun thread, but I need help

Wow! That's a lot of input! Very much appreciated! I would LIKE for her to be able to shoot a few before she bought one but since no one here except pawn shops sell used and you can't plink before you pay anywhere here, she's kinda screwed. I'm going to have her look into the Kahr's. Thank you all!!
I would rule this one out for starters:

Magnum vs Watermelons - YouTube[/url]


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While looking, keep this in mind. If she needs to use it, a shot hit with a small caliber is a lot better than a shot missed with a larger caliber. My wife is a crack shot with her 22 revolver, but not comfortable with my 9mm. She has her eye on a pink Kahr 380, but will have to wait until her birthday or something before we can spring for that.

She must have confidence in the weapon and be 100% comfortable with it. Otherwise you are wasting your time, money and possibly her safety if it ever came down to it.
I agree Sous. But its her money she is spending, I'm just trying to help her get what she wants, needs, and loves. I really wish they'd let you fire a couple before purchase
There isn't a gun range anywhere near you? I've never been to an indoor range that didn't "rent" guns to shoot...
Has she taken any class yet? CCW? I'll bet you can demo almost every one of these guns at a local shop/range. Don't buy anything until you've had a chance to try out a few, and she's had a TRAINING COURSE. If she's carrying, it's most likely going to be in her purse, and not on her body. That means size doesn't have to be the primary deciding factor and gives her a lot more options. My wife has a Bodyguard, but she likes and shoots my G19 better and still fits in her purse.
We have Patriot Outdoors here, remember, this IS Clovis, NM. They don't let you go shoot any of their guns but you can buy one and THEN shoot it there. She has decided on a Walther P22. I don't mind, its a nice little gun with no kick. Hers is coming in soon, being pink camo or something.
Here is what you should have gotten her.,.....

She has to have something that she is comfortable with and is not afraid to handle. If she likes the Ruger, then get an extended clip with a grip extender on it and the problem is solved. Check out the Bodyguard 380 as well, it is a nice little carry gun. My wife has a 22 revolver and I carry a Kahr CM9 9mm.

+1 - I think 22 LR revolvers are really under valued for personal defense particually by women. My expirience is that MEN and women typically shoot 22's way more accurately and confidently. What good is that big round going to do if you're going to flinch and miss. Another thing is that the sound blast from a 22 is relatively inocuous. 357 mags with no ear protection are stupifying. BTW - Airweights while light to carry are really hard to shoot, especially follow ups.