Speaking of Old Ladies Getting Tazed...

....someone has to say it...



Nicely written, ya dang whipper-snapper.
No beeotch slapping... Though I was thinking "sweep the legs". :laugh:
What a bastid. You kill an old lady and dont even have the decency to cremate her free of charge on the spot with the zippo?

Just because you too had a lovers spat 10 min earlier doesnt give you the right smoke in a public place.
Just because you too had a lovers spat 10 min earlier doesnt give you the right smoke in a public place.

Funny you should mention that. I considered while writing it that the plot twist would in fact be the astonished gasps of the assembled herd upon my lighting a cigarette INDOORS... GASP, the horror the cries of "won't someone think of the children" or something like that...