Speed odometer is off

When I had the 220 mph gauges on the 07 and 07 the speedo healer error was 23%, just fyi, and sadly I still have a set of stock 99 220 mph gauges that I can't use on the 12... If I wasn't spending my disposable income on a small 5x8 trailer for the Busa I would had already change the gauges on the bike already...
I think the Busa speedo is way over optimistic above 90 mph. I don't know if that is on purpose or wheel spin. I once came home with my chest pumped out because I hit 175 mph. Check the max speed on the GPS and it was only 161 mph! So I basically go by my GPS even with the speedo healer. I did compare my GPS to my Android phone and they are within 1 mph of each other up to at least 150 mph. Still, for real speeds (i.e. below 70 or so) a speedo healer is a good thing. I was also told that the corrected speed is fed to instrument cluster (alters the signal at the speed sensor) so the odometer is corrected too, so your bike will have the correct speed.

I agree with the above. I've tested the stock Gen II and although I didn't test at 175, at an indicated 180 I got approx. 164. Very optimistic.

I agree with the above. I've tested the stock Gen II and although I didn't test at 175, at an indicated 180 I got approx. 164. Very optimistic.


That's some solid data in that dyno above. Mine is close to that although slightly worse. To get my GPS to say 70, the speedo is around 82.

I bought my bike new a few months ago. The speedo has been off since day one. I talked to my dealer about it. The service manager said to use GPS, that it is impossible to calibrate a motorcycle speedometer due to always changing tire wear and other factors. ... I can't say for sure, but that sounds like bull****. I do accept a certain amount for margin of error, but it's not impossible to get it closer than say 5%. I wasn't as annoyed about it then as I am now, so I didn't push the 'defect' thing.

It's dangerous. I drive several roads near my house that often have slow and faster traffic at highway speeds with a fair amount of passing. I have no intention of speeding on them (also well monitored by leo's), but also don't want to be 'that guy' that is asking for cars to try to pass me cause I'm going too slow. The cagers tend to take half my lane as they pass instead of getting all the way over into the oncoming lane, and so long as I see them coming, I get over and that is manageable. It'll be the one time I don't see them coming... That's just one more danger that could easily be avoided with proper equipment. If they are speeding, they know it and they know to be watching for surprising the vehicle they're passing (I say that speaking as a cager that passes on that road). If I were driving slower than the speed limit, I'd know I'd better be watching the mirrors even more. The speedo is a key piece of driving hardware just like brake lights. I'm surprised it's not part of Texas inspections.

Ok, was on my soapbox and preaching to the choir a little there, but I do want to emphasize that Suzuki should really do a better job on this. I think this is a manufacturer defect, and Suzuki should have to fix it.

Anyone already try to get Suzuki to fix this?

An additional 10-14% on the odometer is BS too.