Speeding LEO's

O.K., now comes my second worst nightmare

Just gotta make sure I don't go near Bloomfield Hills!!

There goes the whole I'll do the speed limit argument!
I was driving south on I-75 this morning going just over 80, the limit is either 65 or 70, I'm not sure. I was passed by a trooper going at least 5-10 faster than me. I don't know where he was going but it didn't bother me any.
I have big problems with this issue also. I live in Texas, and the cops out here will write you in a minute, but they speed in patrol cars, their own cars, and probably other peoples' cars. It seems to be a double standard. All the cops I know will plainly admit that they won't write up each other, unless there may be a little tension between departments or other issues to make one branch not like the other (very rare).

I understand we need them, but come on. I get sick of getting hassled for driving fast, not reckless, but fast, there is a difference. If it is unsafe for me then it is for them too. But they don't pay the ridiculous traffic fines and deal with the bullshid of going before a judge.

I ride with some officers every now and then,and it is funny they will sometimes run like others, knowing that if they got stopped they probably would not get a ticket anyway, unless we are in the sticks and get stopped by the good ole boys (badge or no badge, if you're black and speeding 100+, you are subject to get room & board for the evening). I know that will start some shid, but it is true. This is what I have seen and experienced.

And  for anyone wondering, I don't run (anymore). I stopped one day after getting clocked at 130, but the cop wanted my buddy more for having a passenger.

I know it isn't all of you guys, but dayum can a brother get a break down here.

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More than few times I have been speeding 80 miles an hour on the highway and being tailgated by a car with the high beams glaring in my rear view mirror.

After cussing a bit and getting ready to let the bird fly high when I move into the next lane to let the car pass, it's a Rhode Island State trooper.

The trooper will either disappear or pull into the medium.

I have been pulled over many times by the state police going well over the speed limit.

I always pull over immediately. To this day I have never received a ticket for any where near the amount over the limit I was doing.

Better yet some times no ticket at all. I never give them any crap. It's never a good decision to give an officer a hard time when you get pulled over and for me at 5'5" 140lbs compared to the average 6 + foot tall 200 + lb average Rhode Island State trooper it would be an even worse decision.

There was an accident about 10 years ago that involved a Scituate patrol car traveling at a high rate of speed on route 116 no emergency lights.

He went into the next lane of a 2 lane road and crashed head on into an elderly man killing him.

It stirred up a big controversy hear in Rhode Island about patrol cars abusing their power to get to where they want to go aside of an emergency.

The story eventually faded into obscurity.

They are only human. I would probably do it a few times myself if I were an officer of the law.
In LA the fast lane, when not jammed up, always goes about 75-80 in a 65. I'm glad cops speed with the rest of us instead of doing 65 on the dot. I don't want traffic jams and 65 is just soo slow. I have no problem with it, speed on
Okay, since it seems to be a problem, next time I am on a highway/expressway,etc.., I will do EXACTLY the speed limit. Not one mile per hour more. For those who are "law abiding citizens" this will pose no problem. It will however create quite a traffic problem and possibly an accident due to people going 10-15 over and having to jam on brakes for the "train". Not to mention the attempts of some to pass to get to the front only to see me, doing the speed limit and no-one passing me.

I do respond to some non-life threatening, but needing my attention, calls with out the aid of emergency equipment. Soemtimes it is actually quicker and safer. I will take anyone for a ride, full blown lights and sirens down any busy road so you can see exactly how people react. IT IS DAMN SCARY.
Which is probably why we get a week of training just to learn how to get to calls. People really need to learn what to do when an emergency vehicles approaches. It does not mean hurry up and turn in front of it, speed up and get out of way, try to beat it to where you are going so you can turn, etc.. It means yield the right of way, FUGGIN MOVE, NOW.

In my jurisdiction we have had numerous wrecks (not accidents, because they could have been avoided) with emergency equipment. One involving a full size ambulance that took the lives of 2 VOLUNTEER EMT's (God bless you Heidi and Bill). All because people can't be bothered to pay attention and, GET OUT OF THE WAY, .

My day is comprised of a combination of the worst minutes of others entire lives. However, I am NOT immune to the law or above it. Actually I try to hold myself to a higher standard 24/7/365 because of my profession. For those who do not feel as such, you are giving us all a bad rap. Yeah, I ride the fastest made production bike in the world, and sometimes double the speed limit on open roads, so yes I would be a hypocrite if I write for speed violations. I do nothing that would cause harm to another person on my busa and personally will not write any rider for speed alone. Throw speed and lane splitting, speed in a residential area, speed out of control, etc.., and I have no problem writing away.

Someone posted they will never need a cop, or only the weak can't take care of themselves. I'm sorry you can not see the good in my profession. Maybe when you or a loved one goes into cardiac arrest at 0300 hours and a cop shows up with an AED and training to save a life you'll feel different.

Okay. I'm done. Merry Christmas, now pass the donuts


Plus then you get the guys who are bitching about how the cops do 55-sta-alive and slow everyone down!

It is a no win situation for any cop!


The way my week has been going, I think I should bite my tounge on this one.

I will say this however, the next time you need a Police Officer, because you have been a victim of crime, be sure to let him or her know just how unhappy you are about their conduct behind the wheel when not responding to a call. Than continue on with your criminal report, and see what that gets ya.

While your at it, let the Surgeon know how unhappy you are with their inflated saleries compared to the normal working joe. And than request for reassurance, that the surgeon will make sure your operation will be a complete success.

have a nice day
The speed limits aren't set for safty, they are set for income. The speeds traveled on the road during rush hour here are easily 20 MPH over the posted limit. Usually closer to 30 over. Unless you are doing something stupid, you won't get a ticket on the way to, or from work just for speeding. I think this proves the point. In heavy traffic, the flow of traffic is 20+, and there are seldome any accidents.

The limit could easily be raised by 20 MPH with no safety impact, because that is the defacto limit when traffic is at it's worst. But if you are doing 11 MPH over the posted limit at any other time of the day, you will be ticketed. If you travel at rush hour speeds off of rush hour, you are facing reckless charges and impound. Really makes sense, all alone on the road ticket, but other vehicles within 10 ft on all sides, no ticket. It's just about the money.
This thread won't be deleted, hell, I'm sure BT would be the first to tell you that not all cops obey all laws all the time. It's the bad ones that spoil it for everyone, as has been said ad nauseum. Good reply PD, I'm sure all of us here appreciate and respect what you do. That you are a reasonable guy, with a good attitude just makes it easier for us to remember to thank you from time to time. Thanks!
I have to pass a police academy to get to work. Seems like most all of them are the same. They speed, own the left lane, talk on cell phone and don't wear ther seat belts. Guess I do the samething so I can't really complane
I was doing about 104mph in my wife's car on the way to Atlantic City... I look in the rear view and see the lights spinning and slow down to pull over ... Before I could pull over to get my ticket he pulled up next to me and waved his finger at me like I had been a bad boy and took off leaving me in the dust. I live in a glass house... You won't see me slinging to many stones.
About six years ago I got pulled over for speeding. 59 in a 55. I had forgot to pay an old ticket so I had a warrent. While in the back of the car I made the VERY LARGE mistake of saying to the two very young officers in the front seat that "You are going faster than I was when I got pulled over."

All I can say is I "fell" a few times getting out of the car and walking into the jail.