Speeding ticket

300 Busa's comments makes just pinning it and saying see ya' a more appealing alternative all the time.:laugh:
well thats 90% of the bikers the police try to stop so thats pretty common actually which is why when a biker does actually stop and has a license, reg and proper insurance with a decent attitude they usually catch a break.

its the know-it-alls and "Street lawyers" that we have on this forum that usually walk away with the ticket.:whistle:
you are full of chit. there is no doubt about it but there is no need in beating a dead horse....:deadhorse: the ones that go to court are USUALLY the ones with bad attitudes? its ppl like you that go to court cause you think ur smarter then the cop. your not. which is why you've been cited so many times and been to court. its not rocket science. now were using the word "ONLY"? go back and read what I said. I said "USUALLY".

you sure it wasnt 143 tickets issued that day at all the same speed? you didnt subpoena chit! so yea go tell ur fairy tales somewhere else....:whistle:

u didnt beat chit. u went to court and lost either a days pay or burned an entire vacation day doing it while the cop it getting paid $60 an hour...:whistle: we in LE appreciate ppl like you. keep running ur mouth when u get stopped so you can get that ticket so we can get paid OT to be in court. thanx.

Man have I been put into my place now. $60/hr. before overtime even. :whistle: Thank you officer.

Police and Detectives : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You make nearly triple the national average! Dang you must be really good.
well thats 90% of the bikers the police try to stop so thats pretty common actually which is why when a biker does actually stop and has a license, reg and proper insurance with a decent attitude they usually catch a break.

Actually, I've gotten off with warnings the last 2 times I've gotten stopped by using this theory. Once on the bike (70 in a 55 and passing on a double yellow) and the other time in a very rare thing in the truck, also a passing on a double yellow MoDOT gets really carried away with the yellow paint).
The time on the bike was with a young (probably wasn't 30 yet) Statey. Caught me playing in the twisties. Was pretty surprised to get the warning, 99% of the time State Trooper will give you a ticket here in MO. Time in the truck was a city (more like 600 population small town) cop, seen me passing an old couple intent on maintaining 30mph in a 55. Had the dirt bike in the back, fried after a day of woods riding, and was on my way home. He told me to exercise more patience in the future. I assured him I would and he let me go. Helps being 54 years old too.:laugh:

In all reality, I'll never run. It's all part of the game to me. I "break the law" by riding faster than the accepted norm, and sometimes I'm going to get caught performing this anti-social behavior that I love so much. Fortunately, the LEOs in my area seem to be pretty level headed and without the ego/power trips that seem common in other places. It's business to them, just like my job is to me. I get a lawyer, and get the tickets that I DO get, reduced to keep my insurance record clean. The cost may be a little more up front, but way less in the long run. Like I said, it's all part of the game.:thumbsup:

Most every ride I find myself wishing there was a track closer (only one is Hallett, 210 miles away).:unhappy:
Travis here is some links that you may want to use in your decisions. These are starting points and not meant to be all inclusive of what you will need but will help you get started.

Indiana does have Freedom of Information (Sunshine) Law. Looks very similar to Florida which I used in the above post. Start here and research. Indiana Access to Public Records Act - Sunshine Review

Request for Discovery. The Request for Discovery in a speeding ticket trial.

How to subpoena documents. How to Subpoena Documents | Nolo.com

The Indiana statute that spells out out how to Subpoena. Indiana Code 35-37-5. You specifically would be issuing a Subpoena Duces Tecum (Subpoena for documents). You are the defendant.

Don't know what county you are in so you go here to pick your county. Indiana Rules of Civil Procedure, Motions, Pleadings, Oppositions and Responses

Specifically police records. Who can subpoena police records in indiana? | Answerbag. Yes they will charge you by the page a fee which is also governed by law.

Not gonna be able to build your defense in 2 hours so don't go about it half baked. This will be a commitment of time that you need to know you can make.

But when some cop says you can't. You gotta show you can.

Thank you very much I will deff check it out
Thank you very much I will deff check it out

If you decide to try and go to court, take the advice that was also given. Go sit in on traffic court, You will be more at ease if you know the format and how the proceedings go.

Watch how the cops argue in court. Hopefully someone will actually try and properly defend themselves and you can learn from their examples what to do and not do. You can't over prepare.
think about the times you was let go or ignored because of "time and place" don't think they don't exist,I won't even mention the speed on one occasion on the net............... and a about 10 days ago heading to work......knowing a trooper since high school helps too :laugh:

who and what exactly are you refurring to Mr. proud dad
Wouldn't fly in my county...but even if it did and you were found not guilty, I dont care...I get paid the same and you wasted a week to get out of a small fine.

Small fine that can potentially effect insurance rates. Which stay that way for at least a year or so. I have no idea really, but it will cost us over time. Another side of that was that it would affect you. It would affect your reputation as an officer. Specially if you acted like the one in the example you have quoted.