speedo error

are the speedo's on the 05 or 06 model years any better
nope... Same accuracy (by purpose by manufactutrer)
please elaborate.
This should be illegal as the odometer is not correct. How can anyone know what mileage is really on the bike?  
also don't forget to readjust your speedo as your tire wears! there's a big difference in rolling cir between a new and an old tire...
For same brand and size. Difference between new and worn tires roughly 1 % in correction.
With kickstand down, measurement from the upper axle to the ground. 13 13/16" new, 13 5/8" worn.

Multiple passes(7 passes) over a measured mile. Steady speed mph and stop watch in hand. Calculated the adverage of the seven passes. Found +4.4% error in speedo on a worn tire.
Over a measured four mile course. The odometer was accurate very hard to see detect any error.
I run pirelli super corsa's and there's a huge difference (percentage) between new and old for me... btw you should measure the loaded rolling circ. to be more accurate...
I think ill just leave mine the way it is. after all, maybe it will help me be a little more cautious with my speed habit.