SPIDER BITE = lots of downtime for Macfast

Dang Mac, hope all gets better, hows the boy doing on his bike BTW hope to see you both soon at another bash!
Sometimes its just great living in the UK, not too much to worry about with insects at all.

Hope you recover soon.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts
, I hope this will not have any effects on my special purpose. Everything seems to work well just dont feel like doing anything with it
My wife says that is a sure sign that Im sick
The Busa is over in the shop waiting, I can hear her calling at times
Joseph my son says he will be glad to ride it I told him no thanks stick to your 600
News flash Joseph got a ticket on the Dragon last month He wanted to lead cause I was going to slow[speed limit] and he got a 44 in a 30
I got to say I told you so
Sounds like a brown recluse to me too.

I got bit last week on my hip & it is swollen, red, & about the size of a golf ball. - Itches baaaaaaaaaaaad.
Welcome to the Spider Man Club. I've had three nasty bites in my life. First on top of my left hand when I was about 8 (three surgeries later I have about 90% capability), second happened 2 years ago while sleeping on inside of right foot where my big toe is (couldn't even sleep with that part of my foor laying on the down mattress pad it was so painful) and third happened about 6 months ago on left shin (minimal flesh lost - probably the best place to be bitten for that - and pain that would shoot up my leg and near my groin area).

I figured by now I'm slowly becoming immune to the little suckers.
I guess we had all better be careful...I just pulled the cover off my 250 and felt something crawling on my finger...you should have seen how big it was before I stomped it...or maybe it was just my eyes :O

I guess we had all better be careful...I just pulled the cover off my 250 and felt something crawling on my finger...you should have seen how big it was before I stomped it...or maybe it was just my eyes :O

You stomped him good thats one less
Yes I truly hate spiders
Thank you
Hurts like hell ,have some strong pain killers seems im getting tollerant to them now after 3 weeks
Don how are things with you? My son started 2nd year college yesterday
Im just laying around Im going to hang out here a while if yall dont mind
Because we know BLUE & SILVER is the Fastest color of them all