SPIDER BITE = lots of downtime for Macfast

heal up soon and get back out on the road. its weird how the little things can be so dangerous. good thing you caught it soon!
holy crap! now I have to find out more info on this friggin spider! That's some serious ****! Heal up soon (which looks like it might take some time).
OMG I was just browsing through the thread and saw that pic. I would never guess that was from a spider! Looks like you tried playing leap frog with one of those cast iron fences with the spiked tops! Hope you get well and can ride soon.
Thanks Don He's a great son although he got a ticket on the Dragon last month he thought I was going to slow and wanted to lead 44 in a 30 they let him off with a friendly $20 dollor ticket I think that may have been cause he was riding with dad
We have a nasty spider in Idaho called a Hobo spider that does pretty much the same thing a brown recluse does. Spiders are nasty little bastards that need to die with all the rest of their bug ilk.

Hope you make a full recovery. I new a guy who pretty much lost the use of his arm because the poison traveled up from his hand into his elbow.
