With the exception of the original poster I'd agree. The original poster made it perfectly clear what kind of officer he is with this statement...I think that most of the LEO's that posted were talking more about stunters and squids, not sportbikes in general. We all make fun or the suids and the stunters that put other people in danger too! There were a couple of posts in there that were garbage, but most were referring to the squids i think.
"Personally, I can't stand the bikes. I think that they (as a group in general) have little regard for traffic law and safety. AND I always try to slap them with tickets whenever I can."
When even his fellow officers didn't jump in and agree with him he started back pedaling and made out like he only messes with "squids". I think the wording of his entire first post makes it clear what kind of officer he is... He is as damaging to the LE community as squids are to the sport riding community...