sprockets chains and cush...oh my!

plenty of grease..sorry out of sequence

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now i grabbed a flat head bolt that was same thread as the open bolt on right of chain breaker to make for a rest for back of pins and switched to the grey pin to use as i staked them to correct size of .210-.230

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i lubricated the adjusting bolts and semi adjusted for the chain before letting the bike down. then while on kick stand i finnalized measurment of slack .800-1.2 and then retighted axel nut to 72.5 ft-lbs and 45ft-lbs for the 14mm nut for the rear break piviot..... took her for a little ride!! i will be takeing her to work tomorrow and let you know how the 16/42 gearing set up feels for me :cheerleader:

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hope this helps anyone feel comfirtable with a DIY cause if i can do it...well ...anyway lol
Excellent write up Chris. I like the stands. Thank you for all the pictures and detailed instructions. You have way more patience than i do.. :thumbsup:
There's that "foot in mouth" disease again.

Excellent write up Chris. I like the stands. Thank you for all the pictures and detailed instructions. You have way more patience than i do.. :thumbsup:

Ace we all know models are supposed to bathe before the photoshoot..:poke:,bikes got toejam !

Just hope he keeps his guns cleaner !

pm me your address and I will make sure Sleepless_Red sends you a case of Pledge !

and ditto on your 2nd comment.
Nice work Chris!!
Do you or anyone else know how often you should replace the cush drive rubbers??? I've owned other bikes in the past and never thought to replace these before??
nice write up...thanx for taking the time to show us how do it ourselves and save some cash

+100 on makin this a sticky:thumbsup:
Nice detailed post. I wouldn't attempt myself, but the education is great! Great job, and thanks for that effort!