Yeah Kenny, good call...
IMHO, looks like this rider
thought he/she was going into the corner TOO hot, and has decided to brake....right at tip-in time! (what the mind thinks >>> the body follows)
Anyone that has
ever made this mistake....knows that the bike will want to stand up, due to the forces involved....and you'll lose your line, everytime!
If this rider stayed FOCUSSED and COMMITTED to making the corner and didn't PANIC by gettin' on the brakes at the WRONG time......he/she should have made that corner fairly easy (....just like his 2 mates in front [travelling at a higher speed]....and the 1 behind)!
I think a lotta ppl, when riding with a cam, tend to get focussed on (and occasionally distracted with) the footage that they are workin' on, instead of the "real" job-at-hand, ie: proper and full control of the m/cycle....probably best to mount the cam and then totally forget that it's even there (...until the ride is finished)!!!
I personally have been 'guilty' of the paragraph directly above
, and have learned (fortunately
not in a harsh way like this vid clip) to stay dedicated to highest priority task...