Squirrel Takes Down Busa

Not too good. Glad to hear he's ok though. I've hit them before, but never in a turn. I can see how that would be a problem. Sorry I can't help with the list, as I'm Gen II and all stock. Good luck getting it back together.
Not too good. Glad to hear he's ok though. I've hit them before, but never in a turn. I can see how that would be a problem. Sorry I can't help with the list, as I'm Gen II and all stock. Good luck getting it back together.

I've given away nearly all my spare parts, too...but whatever any of us can do for Ken...well...he really deserves it.

How big was this squirrel??

That picture made my day... Thank you for that.... I was just taking a drink and was able to get it down without spraying my monitor.... I did cough a little though...

Thanks Brothers! .... I'm wondering if that Squirrel has a lilttle bike sticker .. to which "The Squirrel" plastered the sticker on its Nutt house wall ..:whistle: ( oooh yah I got another 1 ) ..
pics are coming shortly..
Hey Cap .... (1) thing I do whils't reading these forums ..is to have a papertowel handy for the very said reason ..
Ken: If you're having problems uploading the pix, e-mail 'em to me; I'll put 'em up. You have the address.
Sorry to hear about your encounter. Those furry little bastids are trouble. Sorry to say I don't have any gen 1 parts left or I would send them.
I had bad luck with a squirrel before. I was sitting in my car and there's this one just sitting on a branch eating. I grabbed a rubber band and aimed at it. Pulled it a little too far and the rubber band snapped and hit my right eye. I couldn't open my eye for more than two minutes. Hurt like crazy. So there I was with my right eye hurting so bad and tears even come down my cheek and there's the little sucker just sitting there and kept eating. I said to my self, "never again would I do that". I really do believe in karma.:banghead:
I take 12 miles of country road to work and have taken out a lot of rabbits. It seems in the early morning hours they make a suicide run for my front tire.

One close call with a deer have a deer whistle just in case they help at all. Lots of close calls with raccoons. I'm all for extending deer season!
OK; here are the pix which Ken (RdKill) sent me...in the order they were sent.

Ken: How 'bout you narrate them?








..nice Scar ... 0k ... 1st .. is How a person shouldn't do a oilchange .. 2nd .. the View from the start of the slide to the finish of the slide .. 3rd .. Where I would of ended up, If I was going faster < shudder> ... 4th .. ( L) side ..Ground down can , broken footpeg.. 5th .. Whats left of the DoubleBubble, and Mirrior .. 6th .. Whats left of the Left mirrior .. 7th .. My new Oil Drain plug..( sans the plug ) :whistle: ..8th ... Whats left of the Leftside Slider ! ..... dam thing worked ! Scar ..thanks again for the pic help.
..nice Scar ... 0k ... 1st .. is How a person shouldn't do a oilchange .. 2nd .. the View from the start of the slide to the finish of the slide .. 3rd .. Where I would of ended up, If I was going faster < shudder> ... 4th .. ( L) side ..Ground down can , broken footpeg.. 5th .. Whats left of the DoubleBubble, and Mirrior .. 6th .. Whats left of the Left mirrior .. 7th .. My new Oil Drain plug..( sans the plug ) :whistle: ..8th ... Whats left of the Leftside Slider ! ..... dam thing worked ! Scar ..thanks again for the pic help.

No worries, Ken.

Now; let's get a firm list of stuff you need and see if there is anyone who can donate.

Some people are waiting for this list so they can get you the hook-up.

I'll start tearing it apart tomorrow .. I'm in "feel the pain mode" as of right now.. bending over @ the knee isnt' puttin a smile on my face ! :whistle: .. but I did score some nice painkillers !
Checked with Powers739, I have a rashed stator cover, but it's not leaking. Also a stock windscreen. Let me know if you want/need either one.

Hope you heal soon