Stalker Dentist

I am all for taking care of your own....

Just be careful about what you do. If you do photograph the guy, spring for a decent DSLR and shoot only in raw mode as that is the preferred mode for law enforcement forensics teams.

Get a nice long lens and snap a few of him and his vehicle together making sure that his license plate is in focus. Then once you have a few "foundation" pictures of him in all of the places your wife frequents, get close enough for him to see you with the camera pointed at him.

Do not initiate some kind of violent confrontation or in any way make statements that could be misconstrued as communicating a threat.

If possible, do not even make verbal contact with him. If he values his reputation as a good dentist he'll cease and desist his questionable activities immediately upon seeing you take his picture and escort your wife out of the place she is visiting.

I have to play the Devil's Advocate on this...

Do you trust your wife completely to believe that she has not invited any of this attention through coquetishness or otherwise? Think about that a bit before you carry out any actions against the guy...
I am all for taking care of your own....

Just be careful about what you do. If you do photograph the guy, spring for a decent DSLR and shoot only in raw mode as that is the preferred mode for law enforcement forensics teams.

Get a nice long lens and snap a few of him and his vehicle together making sure that his license plate is in focus. Then once you have a few "foundation" pictures of him in all of the places your wife frequents, get close enough for him to see you with the camera pointed at him.

Do not initiate some kind of violent confrontation or in any way make statements that could be misconstrued as communicating a threat.

If possible, do not even make verbal contact with him. If he values his reputation as a good dentist he'll cease and desist his questionable activities immediately upon seeing you take his picture and escort your wife out of the place she is visiting.

I have to play the Devil's Advocate on this...

Do you trust your wife completely to believe that she has not invited any of this attention through coquetishness or otherwise? Think about that a bit before you carry out any actions against the guy...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good question.
Better contact Cheaters.
No reason to jump to violence when the full facts aren't known. First I'd make sure he is stalking, like others have said he might be in the vacinity for a reason and it's just coincidence. If he is stalking her, get a restraining order. After that, the police can more then easily get involved.
Right... And then the tooth fairy will leave a mint on your pillow and kiss your little forehead gently.

I dunno where you live, where a restraining order actually accomplishes anything other than provide a suspect after the Rape/murder double homicide makes the news. I've seen it before and I believe their is a fair bit of data showing that restraining orders are a poor choice and usually accomplish nothing if the person was a genuine threat. They are a joke.

It's like the notion that the police are here to protect you and your family, it's false. They aren't here to protect you, they don't care about you, they will show up after your house and wife have been violated, and you've been left tied up in the living room. Don't think for a second that local police have EVER prevented a crime. It doesn't work that way. It's up to the individual to take some responsibility for his/her families safety. Thinking otherwise is pretty naive.

Sure I am taking this on one path, it's possible that this guy has some reason to be following his wife around, or it's just a "Freaky" coincidence. But if it's not, then the guy is obviously deranged and you'd be a fool to think a piece of paper is going to do anything other than piss the guy off... If you are following someone else's wife around like a lost puppy, you are deranged, therefore dangerous, and likely will have a horrible accident.

Do you trust your wife completely to believe that she has not invited any of this attention through coquetishness or otherwise? Think about that a bit before you carry out any actions against the guy...
Yeah, Messed up but I was thinking the same thing. Guy is a Stalker maybe, or an ex-boyfriend, or lover... blah blah blah...
Gather up a bunch of your Busa ridin' buddies. Get them to meet you at the places this guy seems to be frequenting. Dont do anything illegal...yet.Just point and stare,and pretend to talk about him.Let him know,that you know. If its just coincidence,then he'll have to do something for fear of being busted up.He'll either have to crawl back under his rock because he will then realize he's a stalkin' POS,or he will have to come over and chat and then you'll be able to find out if its just coinsidence.You could have the whole thing over by the weekend.

If I lived by you,I'd volunteer.

Well if all else fails....I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that could help you out. I hear he is very Persuasive....
no go up to him and say hi well you know this wisdom tooth has been killing me is there anyway that you can take a look at it my wife doesnt seem to have an answer bout the time you open your mouth say so why are you here again cause my wife called and said she has seen you every 10 minutes and is getting scared. When he saiys no i am doing this and i am not folloeing here say bs cause i see where you hardley is marking its spot so i would appreciate it if you would not stalk her cause i am 30 seconds from calling the police and you really dont want your name all over the news tonight cause the headline might read something like jap rider versus harley stalking dentist the fried rice really does boost an upper cut so thank you and have a better day
would be a shame if word got out to the wrong people that the dentist is also a narc, supreme racist, likes little boys, claims to be untouchable, and helps immigration as a passtime hobby.
Does he talk to your wife?? Or is he just in the general area??.. Has she complained to you about it or is it something just you noticed? Is this dentist married? Call his house and ask his wife why hes hanging around stalking other girls... that will solve it,lol.
1. File a report with the authorities.
2. Talk to your neighbors and coworkers and give descriptions.
3. Begin keeping a log immediately. Date/time/place/witnesses.
4. Have friends/co-workers confront him and engage in general conversation finally asking what he's up too or what he is doing there.

some good stuff, I will document, for now and get some photos... if he appears menacing then other action..

Do I trust my better half.... absolutely but hasnt every cheated on partner? I suppose it is always possible but I doubt it... I never rule out the impossible however... maybe a third party spy is in order here...

thanks guys... I have cooled off enough to start thinking rationally again at least
Hey Bogus
My first wife ran off with a dentist, I say beat the piss out of him.

Seriously, keep a log, and don't do anything to put yourself in jail.

Good luck.
has he ever put your wife under the gas for surgury has he or your wife doesn't have "fequent dental issues" im not trying to say anything but just look at the whole picture and take it all in before you act he could of been one of those creepy dentist who had a little more than there dental drill in someones mouth while they where out
has he ever put your wife under the gas for surgury has he or your wife doesn't have "fequent dental issues" im not trying to say anything but just look at the whole picture and take it all in before you act he could of been one of those creepy dentist who had a little more than there dental drill in someones mouth while they where out
some good stuff,  I will document, for now and get some photos...  if he appears menacing then other action..

Do I trust my better half.... absolutely but hasnt every cheated on partner?   I suppose it is always possible but I doubt it... I never rule out the impossible however...  maybe a third party spy is in order here...

thanks guys... I have cooled off enough to start thinking rationally again at least
you can take anyone of our esteemed members suggestions and be right lol but what do YOU want the result to be. I saw the cheat question come up and a couple other scenarios. Is he stalking and approching her or just posing on his Harley? Do you think he WANTS your wife sexually or that he may do something BAD to her. If you think he just wants to take her out and you trust her then F***'em. but if you think he may have bad intentions then yeah documentation is very important at this point...LE wont do anything at this point either. he's entitled to be whereever he wants. and if youve seen cape fear u know what can happen if you just beat the guy down lol

plus any woman that leaves a busa rider for a harley rider wasnt the right woman anyway